project "repair gfx cooler"

So i got a little bit upset while playing starcraft and it happens that i hit my computer sometimes.. now this time, the bigger fan of my graphic card broke off. I decided to either try to repair it or if it doesn't work just buy a new one.

The card itself:
Palit/xPertvision Radeon
AMD 4870 Sonic Dual
1 GB gddr5

image: yn37jhtsnrwc
image: 9wsp62mroo1t

I bought it in March 2009.
Now don't think i don't have enough money to afford a new card because I certainly
do but not everything is about new and shiny. I've had this card for long time now
and i simply didn't wanna get rid of it yet. I know now, why it took me 2 weeks do
properly decide, which card i am going to buy, it costed € 223,-- that time.

So here is, what i did, to replace the fan:

1) Unscrew everything and take off the overlay, the coolers:

image: w4nnhwchy79v
image: c7whtpj9kzc
Check this out! If you are wondering, why the heck the heatpipes are twisted
and dented it's because, the heatpipe was pressing against the board and i had to
use pliers in order to undent it. Took me 3 months to realize, why my PC would freeze that often as it did..
Now actually i thought, it was because of that jet of a flame, that happened when i tried putting in the 1394 into USB.. but no :)

what the f*ck over 9000 parts?!
image: 9ezowcm9lyq

and they dont even fit, because my model is a speshful one T_T
image: e1q794fsmey1

After a rather unsuscessful search for the vram i decided to take of the
stock heatpipe on the left:

image: evw6hvfl3fp2

The thing is, the arctic cooler i bought, is regularly built a bit higher then the stock coolers so you need to add those arctic cooling supply pipes onto your chip devices.
I placed em around for a couple of times but came to the conclusion that i have to do it by feeling and what i feel good with, since the build of the board differs greatly from any other 4870. so after some experimenting this is what came out of it:

image: 3k85k282wc8

Then you put everything together, what happend was, that I screwed a bit too much :D so the chip was pushed out a little bit and also after finishing i realised i forgot to take off the termaltape inside (from the cooler) and also i didnt put in those rubber bands to counter the pressure of those screws outside:

image: hwdu86xhssh
image: g1yyy188qjs

But as we say, Ende gut, alles gut:

image: mk7136dlt3ee
image: gj5e49ioatrk

actual comparison in size:
image: tfocre4om98e

Well, that's it. If it didn't work, i'd just have bought a GTX460 by Zotac, which is the strongest one in this product group. Still, mine is a bit better, also it has a turbo mode, which i never actually used or tried, yet and also is got higher MHz than most of the top cards aka 2011 ones.

Temps: 43°C @ 29% fanspeed
That thing is incredibly quiet, can't hear a thing.
GG hf, thanks for you time.

nice read :D
Great Read! Journal Of The Year!
waki's not done any cooking journals
Just bought the same cooler.
I'm yet to install it, though - I want to do it at the same time I install the new processor cooler I bought, and I need to RMA it because the package lacked some parts..
if you need help or anything you can pmme then tough its easy if you have got some fantasy :D what does lack the parts? the processor or vga?
The processor cooler lacks the part that attaches it to the motherboard, so it can't be installed.
And yeah, it should come with the package instead of having to be bought separately.
aw shit. i broke that thing off when i first bought an arctic cooler so i had to get a second one :D get it from a local shop its just 12 euro or did you buy another one
I mailed it back to the shop today, they said they'll replace it with a new one. I guess there had been some mistake with them sending an used one to me (and I understand that because the packaging looked intact from the outside).

Was this one:
i see. good luck with it tough
'yet and also is got higher MHz than most of the top cards aka 2011 ones.' to bad there were architecture changes that made these chips faster even if they are at a lower frequency... frequency isn't everything
preis/leistung. my card is doing fine what i need her to do and that is goinna be alright for another 2 years thus making your argument irrelevant.
check #31 and wow what a big difference to the others.
my card was designed in 2008! i bought it in 2009.
His argument is valid, because you where just talking shit.
And further you know your list has nothing to do with the performance of your card?
It's still a good low end card nothing more.

I am selling my Sapphire HD4870 Toxic this week, since it is still worth some money now.
I wasn't saying your card is bad at all, just you trying to say its somehow better than the newest Fermi cards or Northern Islands (HD6000 series) is incorrect, as a per clock comparison between them is not entirely accurate.
was pretty tired yesterday didnt get it right and also couldnt find the right words.
anyway im sure you are right and so i wanted to buy a new one but this card for that age
is some straight piece of functionality i love it :)
you hit your pc case and the fan fell off.. what are you fucking robo cop?
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