
Every day almost 16000 children die from hunger- related causes.. nothing on news

60 young adults killed in norway.. its on the news for weeks..

Would be silly hearing the same thing over and over again every day..

+ it's called the news
This sells, niggers dying in africa doesnt.
I was away, what happened?
longest killing spree by Anders
Anders Breivik
Take a few seconds to think about the meaning of 'news' next time ;o
point taken
you the guy that cheated on ettv in a nc match ?????
Because they are niggers
a) It's news.
b) Who knows if it's on the news for weeks, just happened a couple of days ago.
c) Amy Winehouse's death produces just as many headlines, which is even sadder.
d) You complain about the lack of fairness yet you probably not even once considered donating or helping out in any way. You're just as bad as everyone else. What does constant coverage do if people keep not giving a single fuck.
Why give a fuck about 60 people or one person if you don't give a fuck about 16000?
My point exactly. I donate ever since I have a steady income (although, admittedly, not much). Those sixty kids are dead and there is little you can do apart from locking that motherfucker up and watch out for further sick fucktards. You can help fight world hunger, though.
QuoteYou can help fight world hunger, though.
Seriously, that's not a good thing to do (at first maybe noble to some, but on a second glance it really isn't.)
our planet, or at least the areas most people in africa live in do not offer the resources to maintain live. if you now fought 'world hunger' (by simply providing them with food, thats what they do...there is no way to produce infinite resources...or to produce resources in anyway, just transpher) you would enhance population growth in those areas.
which would result in more resource transhering to africa, while they still couldn't do a thing about helping themselves. you drain the 'economically more advanced' countries off their resources, while trying to maintain live, where it is not supposed to be.
What's "normal" in that? This is no permanent solution at all. it's not even a start, it's a temporary betterment of their conditions, nothing more. so where's the fairness in that? there are enough needy around you already, why drift off so far, to help those instead?
Also: hunger is only one of their problems. you're partly taking care of the healthcare with this too, but not entirely, they'd still suffer from deseases, which are not taken care of. if you now wanted to transpher the resources you use for food to healthcare you'd not gain anything at all.
a) my point being that the publicity this sad event got is astonishing.. less than 100 dead and its reported world wide.. ive never seen such discussion on world hunger..
b) we will see...
c) +1
d) As a matter of fact i support the wild life in africa by donating to the diana fossey organization. Thats how i give back.
a) That's because it's easy journalism to find out about that guy and his past and the build up to the events. Try to create a story periodically that's interesting and 'refreshing' to read about world hunger. Newspapers and pretty much everyone else has come to terms with the fact that we just don't care about Africa, but instead shove money up lazy Greek butts with their pathetic retirement policy (mostly Germany-specific). I've given up being upset about news and media in general long ago, since most of it is bullshit anyway.
d) Seems like a decent cause, although I'm slightly cynical about animal charity.
a) I think all the injustices in the world should get equal attention from the media. However, I still think the focus should be more on the causes rather than the suffering. The difference with the shootings/bombing in Norway is that our society produces these sick maniacs that have no respect for life. It is not about 'the survival of the fittest' but about an ideology that treats people unequally. People in Africa die (in great numbers) because of famine and different diseases they have no cures for, and this has been going on forever. So do people in Western/Eastern Countries as well, but not in such great numbers because of the access to proper health care we have and they do not. Still, one could say it is merely nature, not man. Not to mention tsunamis and other natural disasters. We can not prevent them, we can only implement preemptive measures in order to try and minimise the damage in the event of such occurrence.

b) Now when it comes to other injustices in the world (mostly caused by big companies trying to maximise their profit and exploit people to do so) that is what should be in the news!! How little children in the poor countries have to work in factories so that we can get nice clothes cheap. How the world could sustain the number of people that currently inhabit it, but Western Countries actually use somewhat over 80% of its natural resources. How the wealth of the world is distributed unequally to the privileged 5%. And how for this reason (so we here can have a good life and not to worry about food, clean water or clothes) people in Africa are left fighting for scraps. They have such a beautiful continent but wealthier countries are exploiting it empty and this has been going on since the colonial times. So I think media attention is good, in the case of the shootings in Norway. Maybe (hopefully) people will start to think how ill our society is and maybe someday be ready to acknowledge the fact that most of the suffering in the world happens so that a minority of privileged people can have a good and carefree life. That minority being us.
at least you grasp the concept of a capitalistic world :)
you're definitely part of it, everyone is, even non-civilised counties. think of darwin. you think that could ever be changed? definitely not entirely, since it's the nature of mankind to take advantage of others. some to on purpose, others simply let go, but even the 'weakest' of our society, if you want to call them that, fight each other in some way, and if it's for a better spot, where you collect more chump change or even a bowl of rice at the end of nowhere.

you do not have to like it, but at least you have to acknowlege, that it can not be changed.
Think of it this way: would you give up your current live as it is to help the needy?
Darwinism is a fact, Social Darwinism is a choice. There are enough species that are altruistic in nature (like us). Self-awareness is what separates us from most animals and we should cherish that instead of giving in to id-like motivation.
but it's a choice none the less to NOT take advantage over someone. if you were not faced with the choice, or simply ignored it (as about any person in western countries does), you would take advantage of someone. if you actually chose to not - you'd have to put yourself in the worst position you could get into. otherwise you'd be denying chances to others. (if you find a coin noone else can find it anymore, your gain their loss. you could apply that to not only about anything.
you might think you could still go for equalty. but there is not such a thing. it's simply not possible that we're all equal in time and position, thus be faced with same conditions. and even if we were - some can stand certain conditions better than others, where is the equalty in that? you'd certainly have to do something about that too.
sure you might settle with "acceptable conditions" for everyone. but on the other hand: it just doesn't work. if you wanted to offer the same food, or any sort of kinda good food to everyone in africa to FAIR prices (prices not only fair compared to the low income, but also to economy - someone got to pay the food at some point) you could also just chose to say that they're not entirely forced to live there. why would others have to suffer for their ignorance?! poeple have fled danger for the time being and still are, why not them? why do others have to take care of them, while they're not chosing to change anything?

EDIT: its a Mr like u who puts the rest of us to shame.
(sorry no sound here :( )
how does offering a thought, which is not even necessarily my own beliving putting mankind to shame?

it may sound a bit harsh i give you that, but it was merely a provocative thing to say. (i do not expect you to be on this one with me (i never even said I was with it), i only want you to tell me now, why it would be shameful to act for a global cause and not a group of individuals (a big one no doubt, but a fraction of the rest of the world none the less)

only saying that it's not right to not help a certain group is hardly an argument.
(and as i said above already, if it were your believing that you should not let anything untried if it was for the good of some people, how comes you are not donating every spare coin you have? it would be only an inconvinience to you, but could improve a hundred lifes down there. or maybe even declare it your life achievement to collect funds. you could do so much, and yet you are not using all of the time at hands to do so? how do you justify that then?
According to your ideology it is acceptable to let all those children suffer and die because they were born in the wrong place? According to your ideology the world is how it is and it can not be changed, but you are not even trying to change it. You are talking about global cause? Human is the worst thing that has ever happened to this planet.. The world would simply be better without us! According to your ideology we should wipe out 90% of the human population "for a global cause". But since i do not see that as an option I believe we should give our best effort to change this planet with the tools we have.

The bath i chose to help this planet is by trying to maintain its wild life. Too many species have died out because of us. If i donate 10e/month out of my 450e student grant i believe its more than reasonable. I also like to recycle my clothing trough the Salvation Army. It does not take much effort and i think its something each of us could do. By these little things we already could help this planet a lot.. The problem is just people like u who choose to do nothing at all.
with a global cause i meant the overall survival of mankind,, not the preservation of the earth in general. because earth is going to take care of that even after we're gone, i'm sure of it. (read: doesn't mean that we shouldn't care for the earth right now)

Again, this is not my ideology, it's just something to think aabout. again you didn't give any reason to why you would try to lessen their suffer, but only temporarily. there is no long-term solution to end their suffer from outside as of now. If you're on about the children: other peoples children are not OUT responsibility, their parents are responsible for them. if they're not able to take care of them, theres still an option for interference. but what if they chose to let their children suffer like that, by not leaving?

So you give 10€ a month, but why not 20€ and if 20€ why not 30? is it because you can put the money to better use?
I never said that i'd believe that the world can not be changed, that's not even the statement behind the text. the text merely questioned rather the world SHOULD be changed THIS WAY, in such a crude way. there ARE other options than financing someones misery, some are more pleasant for you or the suffering one, but there are other options. why would you say that yours is the right one? there is not even an argument behind it, only your moral believing that you'Re doing the right thing. for this very moment you could be right or wrong, but that also applies on the long run. more likely it's not, because not enough are following the example you set, but if they were there certainly would be an impact you might wanted to consider. (you might say that life is the highest good this planet has to offer, and you may be right in this, but there certainly are also other lifes than those in africa, which were to be affected by this. (besides, why donate 10€ for someone starving in africa while there are homeless even in the western countries, do they not suffer?)

again, please to not take this to a personal level or judge me, there's nothing for you to judge me upon. if what i wrote in the text was entirely wrong you could certainly prove it to be, no?! :)
their value is higher
We are all original from Africa, at some point some people said: We're going to look further.. you guys coming with? & they said: no, we rather stay here. That's fine, but now they shouldn't be screaming we are hungryyyy.
made me lol
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