I got scared

in the backyard was a viper image: 189314178_90f8e9e4a5 (googld)

and i killed it with a lawn mower!
image: lawnmower (huqsvarna special edition pro 123)

He tried to bite me, so I had to kill it!

have you ever killed a snake?

Rest in peace (if it was someone's snake) hehe
dude, you're a monster
was it that big?
yeah, almost bigger :S
never seen a snake :S:S:S:S
Once with a showel.
cool, Did you hit the head off?
Whacked it all over till it was dead, no parts got off though.
Had nothing to get rid of it and it scared me so I had to kill it after first few hits so it wouldnt suffer :/
you know, you can be sent to prison for killing a viper here in estonia. altho it's legit if it's a threat to your health.
They aren't protected by law in Finland as far as I'm aware, and even if they were, you can only be fined for killing one. I'd imagine you getting jail if you commit a [protected animal] genocide or something.
didn't know they're protected by law either, until i read an article in the news about the vipers in estonia being somewhat in danger of extinction.
Yeah, but I looked it up a couple of years ago when I killed a few of them. Finland is the only country in Europe where they aren't protected by law.
Vipers in Finland?
few years ago, snake went thru between my legs
r they dangerouslicious ?
Yes, deadly. but quite rare that someone dies to bite :s
So...not deadly?
A healthy human past their adolescence will not die of the poison they have. They're mostly dangerous to risk groups (young children and old people especially) and various smaller animals such as smaller breeds of dogs and cats. Unless you're a part of a risk group, you'll be fine without any treatment if you get bitten, but it's still best pay a visit to the clinic anyways.

The venom isn't too potent, there are types of wasps with more toxic stings (although not in Finland). The swelling is the real danger in getting bitten by one, it can be pretty dangerous if your airways swell shut.
So...not deadly unless part of a risk group and his statement should have been worded as such :)
Deadly for kids / sick people / elder ones, if not treated immediately. Or with allergies etc etc.
quite a difference to the venom of a viper ^.^
I got just scared too :S I just woke up and went to bathroom to pee, when I was done and pulled water tap to wash my hands I got scared of noise coming out of it, yes that water sound. WTF is wrong with me:<
go to the doctor :S you are brainsick xd
i killed an Belgiumanaconda during one of my adventures in the Netherlandsamazon searching for the one and only golden Englandsheep statue
didnt know u had vipers/adders in finland :o

Hoefully i will never find one in the grasing while mowling it lol.. its prtty dangerous in the high gras? And you seriously drow over it with lawn mower? :D why not just call someone to get the snake? must have been delicious to clean the lawn mower !
they are in Estonia too :l
ye, in summer they shows quite often, rarely in the center :)

beware. Well, no, they usually go away when they hear the steps :) scared when I saw it, I pushed the mower top of the snake and it died :D it was like mashed potatoe :p
pic or it doesnt happen :D
Everyone who has not lived in big city for theyr whole life knows how to kill a snake in finland.
with shotgun ofc
That would be pretty stupid imo. Just use a showel or a rock or something, no need to get firearms dont you think?
use a stick to distract it, grab it by its head and add a little helicopter swing to it while u move your hand to the tail to gain more momentum and fling it 70-100 meters away.
I bite snakes to death
Call someone to get the snake :D

They would prolly laugh their ass off when trying to contact fire dept / police about the issue :D
hi :)

how was game and why u dont play with miNd`? :DDD

didnt know u have such monsters in finland! :o


when :O miNd is miNd :)

i saw an alligator once but then i woke up hehehehaheh

lucky u u woke up^^
thisiisisi :)
Haven't, but will if I have to. :d
rest in pieceses l0l xD hahaha
LoL well played!
I don't kill them! unless they are close to my home, but mostly its "beach snakes" only
At the cottage they are useful. they eat mices :)
got bitten by one of those when i was five, my knee went like double size and i ended up in hospital :D
you were lucky :)
Damn you nerds, you know nothing about nature... I'm sure it was an inoffensive one, like there are thousands in France...
Dude, yelling from France to a Finn about nature?

Well dude, due to the large panel of different climats in France, our biodiversity is much higher than in Finland. But you got a point: Finland is more wild and preserved than France.
Well, you got warm periods (tihihii, periods) there longer than us sure. But we got the temperature range from +35 to -50 & four full seasons and around 70% 86% (had to check) of our landscape are forrests.
yeah you heva beautiful landscapes! But you know, france is not that bad, the total amount of forest in km² is the same than in the middle-age, because all of the ecologist efforts. we got a lot of "new" forest.
Not saying that France is bad, I have loved my both trips there, especially the one to Clermont- Ferrand, beautiful site, havent got those in Finland.
bad troll


Sorry mate, I'm not one of those dumb nerds trolling all the time to be funny.

Don't be so mad to us, please
hehe :D
Never killed one, only see them when I'm in italy during summer holidays and there are manymany vipers in that region, so no way I'm gonna start a fight :x
A friend of mine used a stick to annoy one there when we were 14 or so which made me nervous a bit, but apparently it was a not-so-dangerous one..
used to have a nest of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grass_Snake in the garden of my summerhome, where the firewood was
image: SekiraKramp

choped the head off
This is a grass-snake (in french: couleuvre à collier), they are harmless, don't inject any deadly poison. They are easily recognizable because of their yellow necklace, and they don't got a triangle head shape as vipers.

You killed a poor harmless snake, shame on you!
nope, its a Belouška. ofc its harmless where do you think i live in africa?
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbdCkS14adED3Pwi5TY7D_gUFCSwoLz3wc1wAum4PnRnMosIrn
once with a spade @ work :s

Cut snake's head :s it wasn't nice
2 years ago i was going to swim from sauna and on my way to lake (20meters) I almost stepped on snake. It took off and I hunted it down and executed it with nearest suitable weapon. A board.
Was moving some stuff at our house in sweden, discovered a snake's nest there and beheaded one, dam they keep on moving for a long time!
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