How to rewind in demo?

Hi, can someone say me how to rewind in demo?
download image-et.exe from tutorials section

img_demoSeek [~] has a dual purpose. First one is to seek to absolute server times, e.g. img_demoSeek 623572200 will in most cases instantly seek to that position. Second purpose is to seek to relative server times, e.g. img_demoSeek -1 will seek one second backwards. First use of this cvar might be a little slower due to the current implementation, but further use will seek faster, from instantly to a few seconds.
download image-et.exe from tutorials section

img_demoSeek [~] has a dual purpose. First one is to seek to absolute server times, e.g. img_demoSeek 623572200 will in most cases instantly seek to that position. Second purpose is to seek to relative server times, e.g. img_demoSeek -1 will seek one second backwards. First use of this cvar might be a little slower due to the current implementation, but further use will seek faster, from instantly to a few seconds.
Thanks for the useful information.

always try to help
Highly appreciated.
niceone! did you write it all yourself ?
No, ag0n obviously wrote that ..

mostly yes

there are some quotes by ag0n tho
kk thanks it works
press rewind button on the vcr
what about Flaris & Saint Morning ?
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