HoN is free


get account and play nubs
I'm sure BelgiumKevin will approve of this news
paly paly nub ;D
kvind het zo chaotisch vergeleken met LoL, ja ik weet dat dat alleen de eerste indrukken zijn maar ik heb zo weinig zin om terug van nul te beginnen :P
meer ervaring met rts dan andere noobs = easy ownage :X
and there we have the nerd admitting that HoN is to chaotic (hard) for him and that he has to start all over again cause LoL is the easy version.
please dont start to cry this time
You surely are capable of ripping everything out of context. The starting from zero which I'm referring to is about all the heroes and their abilities, not about the gameplay or anything like that since that is very similar to LoL. It's just annoying to get killed by heroes because you can't anticipate on them, since you don't know their skills yet.

Expecting another mad ramble that has not the faintest clue of logic in it, surprise me.
why u so mad?
Sorry, we're not 12
g5 - The most unstoppable HoN team in the universe will be helping noobs out. For your chance to join the g5 hon squad hit one of us up with a message. Believe in yourselves.
take me :)
Add my new account "aNewStart"
Its where i dont play serious >:D
dont take HYDE, Waki:D hes not just not playaaa enough, and also i want good times moar with you and skydeh
I bought it

image: okay_face_meme_2
same, wtf does that mean now? :c
We are superior and they can suck dicks
Hmm, time to start stalking all dorks, following them to the servers, joining their teams and FEEDING everyone.
not loading...? free for weekend or what?
going LoL style. inb4 split
Worst thing that could happen for players, and best thing from business owner perspective.
DotA > HoN
Oh wow :O
ive spent about 60€ on it in total
played it almost every day for over a year
worth my money, dont mind that its free now :)
It's not free.

Free to Play is just a term for microtransactions.

You get limited access to 15 heroes from 90 and growing that game offers.

How can such thing can work in game which entirely bases on your teams hero picks?
i have been playing since beta and i still have to fcking buy new hereos? are they kidding me? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
No, if you have bought account prior to today, you will get heroes for free. It's just mean that anyone who gets game after today, will have to buy heroes, thus completely fucking up game balance due to not having heroes that are needed.
guess its kinda like LoL then?
anyway, gnna check it out, making new account
jeah but @ lol its different :
normal games : u cant see opponents picks (so no counterpicks) and u can only pick one of the weekly rotation or heroes u bought
ranked games : u see opponents picks and u can pick any hero besides the ones which are banned or already picked
I still dont get it :c

When they went out of beta I bought the game for money, wtf happened to this and why did you spend 60? :o
30 for the game
30 once for some stuff like announcers n shit >:D
read the patch notes.
you have a legacy account now for 30$ (not €).
you can still play whatever you want whenever you want it while others have to purchase tokens.
Lawl. Surprises me actually!
fuck off, i bought it like 1 week ago
I'd say ur lucky then :P
same here, but we are quite lucky, if these new players want to have every champion out there then they will (most likely) spend more money than we did
oh nice then, i only bought it 10$
as expected, dota 2 around the corner = users gonna drop drastically. trying to milk the last amount of money by early acces. probably the $10 dollar shit didn't work too well either.
one of my friend is very close to icefrog (creator of dota/dota2) and hes gonna be able to play the beta today, and there is a lan in germany in august (gamescon?) that they will show dota2 with some chinese team coming
they say open beta is gonna be released at gamescom, it will be definitely presented then with a tournament of top dota teams. pretty sure the release date of open beta will be announced.
hope it won't be f2p, but seen their competitors hon and lol both are they will be forced to make it. :( although i think more will play dota 2, even if it wasn't
gonna be a great game :)!
definitely, can't wait. need to play hon till then :< made free account to roll noobs tho ez.
entering everything needed,and on the 2nd page where username and stuff should be listed again, to see if everything is entered right, nothing is shown => cant finish registration.
got same problem :s
solved it.. download the cliebnt and register your acc ingame.. no problems
free 2 play, pay 2 win
so much hate everywhere about it :D. Forums, IRC and even justin.tv/twitch.tv!
LoL has defeated HoN.
that doesnt make HoN a bad game tho
Nobody said it was :)
it's just obvious LoL is bigger (& better)
bigger yes, on what game is better, im not gonna start this argument again
i play both, atm im enjoying LoL more than HoN, HoN has more skill aspects to it tho
I agree LoL is more 'noobfriendly'
But then again in those real tournaments n shit it takes loads of skill :)))
well ye obviously you need skill to be good at any game
im just saying that theres more skillbased things in HoN
theres more tiny things you can do to get better, theres less of that in LoL
i'm LoL player and i have plaeyed quite aload olf HoN aswell...

And i say that hon takes more skilll at llower while both games takes about the same amount of skill at hihgl lvl...
that's true
dota still reigning
HoN is getting rolled' by league of legends !
dota still better imo, i bought hon like a year ago and i have only play like 5 games :p
aha , HoN just got pwned by LoL , they think that they can get more players with "play for free" : DDDDD
oh and HoN trailer , is that optimus prime talking ?
2 late playing lol already.
even If HON sucks, then LoL like a joke. Graphic sucks, but the playerpool there is huge!
maybe because people enjoy the games more when there isnt some lame chronos ultiing whole and killing u with his shitty berserk item fuck while u cant do anything
just dont play AP and ban chronos?
Or learn to spread and not get all of your team in his ulti? get tablet or cyclone to counter him?
you don't even need to ban him, there are much dangerous heroes.
hahaha hon free? they need players heheehehh lol > hon
Nice to see the developers finally found a way to make it free since I believe it was really a barrier that stopped them from attracting more players and ramping up development. I'm afraid it can still not compete with LoL though.
indeed, it prolly cant
its a good thing they made it free tho
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