LoL friday journal


Just a random journal for random friday :)

As some of you might know, I'v been playing LoL lately(started it some weeks ago). Never played anything that kind of games before(moba) but this seems to be kinda hooking too :(

Anyway, how people can still play at 15-20lvl's like lvl3 summoners? O.o And I'm playing with and against these people almoust every game :x It's frustrating, there is always 1-3 feeders and kids who keep complaining through game, and no matter how hard you can try to carry(":D") them, you will lose the game after all. Also they are voting surrender at 20 time mark and keep voting it every time they can. About 60% of my losses are cause early surrender, and that makes a calm person like me want to punc them :/

*Waiting lvl30 and ranked games*

Related 1337 pic:
image: lolvlad
Wait what? Team games are not suitable for public servers? Alert the media

lvl 17.... comon
Big amount of people online --> more chance of playing with people from the same level.
But, if someone from lvl30 duo's with someone from lvl2 or smth you have a big chance they will be in your team or your oponents team (just example, more info about how matchmaking works can be found on the forums)

It will be like that untill you start playing premades tbh, you can't trust anyone, 90% are feeders or leavers or flamers. Even when you reach level30 and start playing ranked games, it wont change, unless you end up 1800+ ELO and even then you sometimes still play with retards.

And btw; don't start playing ranked games when you reach level30, wait till you have around 40/50 champions and a few full rune pages for every 'role'.
There's people playing like retards at everyelo, mainly cause they are trolling like niggers.

I'd say smth like 1550+ doesent have those super bad players who just feed cause they are bad.
Well of course sometimes but much less than like 1200+.
can't get there, saken 2 low to carry me :p
I feel you bro, i tried to carry saken but hes 2low.....
But hes paying 15€/h for LoL lessons to me.

Soon he will be able to carry you and you dont have to do shit
i'm carrying him most of the time
im replying to you drunk as fuck and i just swant to say helolo
well, i'm drunk as fuck aswell, and i just wanted to say, fuck saKen, the backstabbing cunt, keep playing with sLL and you'll end up at 750 ELo or less. cause that's what you deserve if you play with a nidalee with LW AND VS.
nick mad much? sounds like i heard a black man complaining about sLL.
hf being bad at LoL, easiest game ever
oh i see a rap battle coming!!
ye everytime I queue with you I get a feeding singed/xin on my team, wonder why
haha, if you talk shit, then don't play with me again.
I'm the one who's playing shit-champions since they anounced the ladder-reset, that's right, but you're the one who can only play x amount of champions, so don't get me wrong, you're a nice guy and i like playing LoL with you, but don't accuse me of being a bad player cause i've carried your ass more than enough :)

"Let Nickje play Singed/Xin he's fucking good with them" heard this sentence more than enough on ts
i think den spie has been teaching this guy how to rage :D
I am out of elo hell

its victory
add me: bigfatlp
cool story bro, I am zenonthestoic, nice to meet you
although im surprised you've heard of stoicism, dont you mean Zeno?
why are u surprised! Ah well, thought it was zenon, but sure, if it is zeno ^^
meh just googled that shit, some LoL admin or so, eh?

And stoicism is a very specific subject in ancient greek philosophy which is why i was surprised you "knew" it (or at least, I made the assumption)

e: I was right, it was zenon, alltho its unrelated xd
yeah but my point was, the actual famous stoic was called zeno, not zenon.

He was the starter of stoicism
I learned something new today!
It has always puzzled me how is it even possible to get 1/10 stats with Ashe. Easiest champ.
ashe is not the easiest champ u mad?, try any tank...
ashe is the fucking easiest champion ever, just most people don't even get the concept of playing ashe. They play Ashe with heal or exhaust or clarity or teleport or fucking ignite.
Ashe is one of the squishiest champions in the game, she needs both ghost and flash, and if you don't understand that, you're fucking bad. She doesn't need red, she has her Q, if you don't understand that, you're fucking bad. If even the top player say this, i don't understand why u even try to argue with this, i always try to question the things top-players tell on their streams, but most of the time (80-90%) they are right.

don't even want to discuss about it
ho is, die nickje moet wel 2000 elo hebben anders lult die zo stoer he... sjongejonge.
kerel heeft het me hoog in de bol hou toch op jo

QuoteThinking at 30 & ranked there is no retards and kids

image: lol-a9d
add me, tw1nsta im lvl 20 and im also sick of gettin noob feeders :/
Your first ranked games will be no better.
Just to remind you, do not become one of those players that whine about feeders and leavers without realizing that's where they belong. Countless of these posts get created on LoL forums daily.
say hi to 450 elo
if you are east, add me: AM1G00
lv23 atm (:
3 ap carrys at same team = fail

ps add kalle96 we can play together
sooner or later u will notice that plenty of level30 guys play like lvl3 players
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