HoN latest patch


this is probably THE MOST retarded move of S2 + gain free access for a month to new upcoming heroes!! (you pay money to play heroes while others can't , in a month everyone can play them)

the good thing is that the ones who BOUGHT HoN can(noodle respect bruv) restrict themselfs from free2play LoL-faggots, THO i wan't to say that theres AGAIN a shitload of PROGAMERS from LoL who liked the game and bought it and play HoN on 1500 with 600 xpm 400 gpm with atleast 3 players and roll 1500-1700 ezpz, so yeah, this is probably THE MOST dissapoiting patch ever made.

,brb dota2

fuck you S2, you fuck up public games so hard with every patch.

rage mode OFF


Quote by dotallyrad, from TheKing Well readers, I think it’s safe to say the nay-sayers were right all along: S2 has officially fucked everyone that has put a dollar into this game. They’ve admitted defeat and that they have an inferior product in the wake of DotA2 and Diablo 3. They’ve realized they simply cannot compete with Blizzard ot Value.

Look how fucking sad this is: You have to pay to play new heroes early? GO fuck yourself. Myself, and many others, paid enough to play whatever heroes we want whenever we want. Since when has the ‘general pool’ of heroes been a marketing point? Oh wow! Thanks S2, you at least let me keep my general pool of heroes to play how benevolent of you, in the wake of your corporate greed. What a bunch of fucking classless trashcans. Their entire team is a bunch of slob shit amateurs with no professionalism anyway. Their balancing team is composed of subpar, washed-up bench-sitting US DotA faggots that weren’t shit but chen players.

It all makes sense now: thew new account color, a last ditch effort to money grab. The $10 accounts, etc.
"the good thing is that the ones who BOUGHT HoN can't restrict themselfs from free2play LoL-faggots"

i guess you mean can?
that's right small son, writing in rage mode


nice thread/post i read regarding the whole F2P thing
yup i've read that, but i personally don't like the upcoming wave of new players in the game, it's like we'll have alot of noobs and alot of pros who will roll hard

fuck me, im forever 1600
the 'noobs' wont make it into the normal games for a while anyway since they need to reach account level 5 + even buy tokens if you play verified games i think

doesnt really affect me since i usually only play if we've a group of 5 and we've all bought it anyway :D
true if you play mostly with 5 of your mates

but, im soloing and the percent of getting idiots in your team is higher, and the percent of getting some LoL-progamers in other team aswell :D

maybe it's just me, but i like the things as they were before.
Teach me, in one week I'll be your duo partner rollin' hard' with you.

Ofcourse teaching me will result in your own disadvantage, if I ever have the motivation to play this game more than once very couple of days and if I ever become good, then I will blame it on my proLoL-history.
u read DRD ur argument is invalid
My issue is less the fact that they've done this, but more the fact they initially lied and said that coins would never give you a gameplay advantage, only cosmetics.

I am not fond of those who are dishonest.
true, getting this "early" access to heroes for a month is a huge dissapoint from S2
dunz, man, i tried to get to sleep! thanx for leaving me awake!
guessssssssssssssss im awake andthe rain made me try my stuff again
yeah it's raining here too, gonna hit "THE SACK" aswell
hey dunz nigga, you know that i robbed a subway station?

im a real thug! i dont have a fucking clue what i did......
means im a clueless thug then....

all i know is, i ate that subway chips....

guess im a thug. and i didnt even want to be one
you know what?

you just want a fat cock in your fat snatch you whore
dota2: LoL players, bad dotA players & HoN ragers
sounds like fun!
also, how could this affect you?.. you can turn on that u only play with "oldschool" HoN players..

Also, look @when LoL became much more popular
its very good that they made it f2p, im afraid its to late tho
image: s2

Daggius made a post of this for all the non 1500 ragers
idd suggest reading that instead of reading TheKingRageFailer's post
They give a shit about you ;PppPPPppPPppPPp
which heroes are availiable to the F2P'ers actually ? :D
Every week theres a pool of 15 heroes, this week.
image: freeheroes
The ones with a green border are f2p :)

From top left to bottom right:
Engineer - Swiftblade - Moon Queen - Chronos - Fayde
Valkyrie - Zephyr - Blood Hunter
Thunderbringer - Wretched Hag - Plague Rider
Martyr - Puppet Master

Agility are mostly attack damage carrys
Intelect are mostly nukers & support
Strength are mostly with alot of crowd controll & have a higher hp pool
gj with giving 9 carries from 15 hero pool ;DDD

and 2 tanks where phara is hardly a one ;D
I'm playing HoN for like 1-2 years now (beta included) :D
I was just wondering if the pool was fixed or not
oh :p
well i guess this is still good for newer players x)
Im more mad about not getting extra gold for random :|
a thousand times this.
oh yeah, AR was fun..
I just hope S2 gets more attacks now
Seems like someone finally realized how bad the game was.
HoN is ruined
Drunken guy is the most OP hero they have released!
Can't wait to see dota2 at gamescon ^,^
dota2: dota bads, LoL bads & HoN ragers
sounds like fun
also, how on earth does this even matter to some1 that already bought an account
Was this reply meant for me ? :D
yes, i understood from ur comment that you are implying that dota2 will be better than HoN
Hmm no :/ I like to play DotA, HoN and LoL. So can't wait for Dota 2 :p
oh ok sry then :D
lots of ppl are crying about HoN for that patch
& it doesnt even affect ppl that already have the game whatsoever..
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