
image: 1275905632-vergi40_50petsk


image: a_le_coq


image: heaven

This song from me to my special love, Estoniavergi viin <3
Still have ~40 bottles left :')
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some beer, prolly some lonkero too, not sure yet, havent been at the shop
I dislike minttu but jalokahvi is always good, no matter how hot or cold the weather is, no matter how bad hangover ur dealing with :)
Last weekend, I forgot the jalokahvi to the table at the yard for like 3hours, straight sun. It was like 60 degrees warm, damn it tasted good.
:D It will never let you down.
theres my breakfast
not sure what my choice will be for tonight.
heya Finland Kalle

image: Super_Lemon_Haze


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image: tczafontannadt6
you too my favourite Finland powerhouse!
imported from belgium 0.33 because they can't handle the others ;[ and by they i mean polish smugglers, otherwise ya can't handle any XD
:))) in vegas they have 1liter bottles 0//
vegas is more than american dream :c over there stella in an only addition to the real game ;D
Had one sip of vodka last night, had to go wash my mouth afterwards..

beer all the way :) (and some weeds to go along with it ofc)
moi ^^

have no drinks here ;( but going out for few bears later as a friend will be coming home to visit nP : )




+1 for the FEAST!
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