LoL Jungling

Sup cf,

So lately ive been experimenting with jungling,
I was wondering if there were some other ppl that jungle?
Maybe we can help eachother a bit, give some tips & pointers.
Dont have that many chars on this account, only level 12, pracced a bit on lvl30 US server.
Been watching Belgium SK WetDream lately :)

Ingame name EU: REIAXdotBE
(thats reiax with an i)

image: 284126_10150251199659823_6020654822_7625705_448037_n
good to see that HoN is gettin more attention since f2p :)
crap, ww is not the best jungler out there...
his jungle times are total crap compared to any other jungler and his ganks are inefficient until level 6
It's easy, but unless you're playing Warwick or something (or have someone help you at blue quite a bit), runes are almost a necessity.
I usually run armour in yellows and armour penetration in quints and reds - there are better setups for individual champions, but I find that good as a general purpose jungle/meleeAD page.
k, indicates that i was doin good ^^
tnx :)
vayne jungle , start at wraiths , gg
mf jungle > vayne jungle
mhm u have a point
attack speed runes are best for most junglers. Jungling itself is not hard on any champ being a good jungler is :)
I jungle with Trundle/Amumu mostly.

Just be sure to level up quickly, dont slack. A tip is to stand in the bushes while u kill the golem (buff golems) so enemy can't see you. Also, A few junglers are good at invading the enemy forest (ww/Nunu) to kill of the enemy jungler. If you do so, place a ward at like red, and wait him up. Be sure to gank early, (With trundle/amumu I do at like lvl 4). Be sure to gank a pretty lot, and prioritize which lane needs the most help, a gank is never a fail, Since you scare the enemies off, or let them waste their summoner spells or even kill someone.

Hope this helps ^^
K tnx :D
Every little bit help ;D
Oops! Google Chrome could not find
buy armor seal runes
take armor cloth and 5health polts
take smite
jungle with any char you want
So you've thrown the CB stuff away to get pro @ LoL ? :O
i quit anything related to ET far before i heard about LoL
There are many different Champions who are relatively good at jungling.
Go for Armor/Magicpen Red, flat HP Quints, flat armor yellows and flat magicresistance or cdreduction blue..
Its kinda easy to jungle with warwick or nunu, but amumu or jarvan for example are really good for ganking and also later in (team)fights.
Valar, why get ruins based on jungling and not the late champion itself? :(, I basicly only Jungle to 4 and then start ganking/taking over lanes, and often taking another buff or give it to our carry. :o
Dont get the first part of your reply :D
I agree with you about the level 4 and the buff point; it's so essential to give red & blue buff at the carries :)
Go for Armor/Magicpen Red, flat HP Quints, flat armor yellows and flat magicresistance or cdreduction blue..


(Standart) Jungle Runes?
Thats what I mean, why take 'Jungle runes' (even though I have never rly heard of jungle runes), while its only to around lvl 4 ? ;p. I jungle with Trundle, runes based on late game, and its np! (Armor pen/Dodge/Flat MR)

e: lets paly together ? :<
Flat armor/magicresist + health and the penetrations are just important to jungle fast and to get more tanky (at least with amumu jungle?)
I jungle even without proper runes with Amumu and its izipie :P

Accept my friendinv on LoL, - Roguenaros :3
Jun - Lolling
image: walt_disney_jungle_book
Tutorial book kekeke
pathetic attempt of being trying to be funny
image: comment_edit
and still incorrect ://
trolled :XD
Gehehhehe go drink bears xDox
And a pathetic attempt of trying to write proper english
best jungler for me is xin.
start at small golems, do wraths, do wolfcamp, recall get boots, do smallgolems warths and wolfcamp again, then do blue red and again small golems and ure level 6.
can easily gang already at level 3 when u have Q W and E leveld...

youre welcome
WW is the only one true jungler
Udyr ? Shaco ? =D
lol whats the point of this journal? no idea

i can tell you one trick, try jungle with trynde. after his recent buff, its nice and easy lyk sunday morning.
no real point :p
was just wondering if theres alot of ppl on cf that play jungle :)
wanted to get a journal started where ppl share their knowledge & can help eachother
knowledge* and btw, still every single player who plays at decent level should be able to do jungle/support/tank & carry. no point to talk about the others who insta lock their picks even @ rankeds.
I've been jungling a lot. You can ask any questions if you want. My most played junglers are Warwick, Amumu, Nunu, Jarvan IV & Nocturne.

An alternative jungle route when playing against an enemy jungler is to wait in the bush at the river and smite his big wraith @ 1.40. Clear your own wolves & all small camps after. Base and take blue & red. Do this so you have your blue buff later & during your red so you can gank all lanes while having both buffs up. You could also choose to clear the small camps again (for instance if you're warwick(his ganks are not that strong before lvl6).

Something important to effectively jungle with warwick is to start at the wolves camp. Get W first and press it at 1.35. Kill the big wolf that spawns at 1.40 and go to your blue after. You'll be lvl 2 after killing the big golems and can use your Q to clear the other two minions fast. Be sure to press your W at 1.35 so you dont loose W time @ the big golem.
i jungle much with amumu, tried some times with udyr (back then i didnt have much runes, which fucked me at ghosts always :DDD)

but if u wanna know, jsut ask me :D
What the hell is jungling?

Somehow I don't think you're talking about this:

When the pubic hair of a lady partners Vagina (or a males Anal wig) has become too tangled and long over time, the tally-whacker of the male must do as it's title suggests, and whack the tangled jungle away in order to gain access to his lady friends Jungle Temple so to speak.

And neither about this:
QuoteThe act of getting head from a girl and then releasing your load in her hair and then quickly adding sticks and leaves form your pocket into her hair as to create the appearance of a jungle woman.
i can help u if u like add creabea:)
why we not play?
dunno because im not online: D
read and try all of theOddone's jungling guids, he's awesome ^^
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