LoL Jungle V81
31 Jul 2011, 22:57
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This is a solid way to dominate most games, the only thing that can really throw you offbalance is a counterjungling Nunu or Shaco. Couldn't be bothered with all the routine-details, if you don't know them yourself then that is your fault.
PS : The 1.4 armor is not supposed to be there, didn't realize I had a wrong rune in there just until now,I'm just too lazy to take a new screenshot.
PS, now we all know the story behind Jetro's name :
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This is a solid way to dominate most games, the only thing that can really throw you offbalance is a counterjungling Nunu or Shaco. Couldn't be bothered with all the routine-details, if you don't know them yourself then that is your fault.
PS : The 1.4 armor is not supposed to be there, didn't realize I had a wrong rune in there just until now,I'm just too lazy to take a new screenshot.
PS, now we all know the story behind Jetro's name :
ps thx kevin <3
It might work fine or great in normal games but in higher ranked games this is not very viable for several reasons. Having your/an AP carry (seeing to the build you use) jungle is not that good of a choice. Junglers are usually set back from the solo laners and the carry @ bot and therefore need to snowball to 'carry'. One single build will also not work in every game.
Repeating the small camps three times also looks very weak to me. Every other jungler could counter before you take the buffs.
e: other junglers fill the role so much better than Akali. Of course everything is viable in normal and low ranked games.
The build is just a guideline obviously, so is the jungleroute, so is the fact that you have to jungle akali itself, only showing that it is possible.
And Akali is hardly used in a teamcompo as THE ap-carry of the team.
In case you are going to spit some more of that highelo-shit in my face, this is the jungle method that Westrice uses, <when> he choses to jungle.
Of course jungle akali is possible, it's just not better as any other jungler.
probleem da ik heb me akali jungle is voor 6 kunt ge daar amper mee ganken en is da dus wa WW-like da ge uwe ulti nodig hebt om echt zeer efficient te kunnen ganken maar het verschil me ww is da ww makkelijker junglet ask zo kan zegge :D
in lane is akali echt wel sterk tegen ne squishy en als ge tegen irelia en da soort speelt moet ge akali gwn nie picken :D
ma feel free to correct me if i'm wrong :)
King regards,
Harry mulisch
e: och and btw nice scores at normal games but i thought team belgium members shall only share with their ranked stats somewhere @ 2k elo. after all am glad with the split because theres a chance i will never see smth lyk that.