got new mouse

so i just got new logitech g400 mouse after my mx510 after 7 years of great work dropped dead.

so i got all this new shitty dpi and rate numbers and everything i put on feels weird. so i ask you my fellow m8s what is the best dpi and rate to set.

So I tell you that 400 dpi is best, so you can pwn with 500hz.
low dpi, high hz
400 dpi and 1000hz
1 dpi and 10000000hz
Find it out on your own
as you see above , 400dpi and 1000hz.
new mouse ,new muscles
400dpi, no negative accel for Q3-engine based games. 1000hz, should be possible in that mouse.
g500 is better
125hz is enough for you
optical sensor
tnx m8s for your kind words and wisdom.

especially you andre <3
Afaik the G400 uses the Avago 9500 sensor, just like the Steelseries Xai does. It will give you positivie acceleration no matter what settings. It's even worse on a clothmat.

It eventually made me sell my Xai again after just a couple of days :)
Though it could be that I'm just really picky about it and WAY too used to my old Intelli 1.1 that I could use any other mouse.

It still find it ridiculous that they do not manage to build flawless mice these days, while the older versions are better most of the times (DA 3G > 3,5G for example.)

The CM Spawn is currently probably the best mouse on the market, performance wise. The shape looks kinda odd though
cooler master storm spawn?
Yep, that's the exact name. Sounds fancy! :-D
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