killing time while at work

Being my work load has decreased, I find myself with some/a lot of time to kill while at work. I would appreciate if anyone would suggest some flash games or text-based games or something of the sort that will help my days pass faster till my work load increases again.

* Topic is 'Team Snails Official Computer Game:
perfekt timing med tidsfördriv, tackar
finished now. Whats next???
hahaha fking nice!
iomg thnx for making me play it for 20min :D

score 4999
Your boss/collegues can't see your screen I suppose?
i share an office with my boss. hes happy with playing tetris but ive had enough of that!
some real pc at work? how about just installing real games then? :P
not a real pc no. it reboots when i have too many programs open :P
tell your boss that you could enjoy some proper way more fun games at only the costs of a new pc, how could he resist such a generous offer? xD
(hmmm maybe with different words, he might get some ideas otherwise...or you think your boss is attractive?^^)
no and no. it will only be quiet for 2 more weeks or so!
how quiet is it? quiet as in "hmm ok done, lets wait a few mins for the next task" or "gosh when does this day end (already in the morning)"?^^
if the second is the case then you might aswell go for a walk (*cough*) :P

or is there a kitchen around so you could cook something? just to pass some time ^^
(and conquer wsk :P)
i get e-mails every couple of minutes. i normally always keep myself busy in the morning but come the afternoon, i don't receive e-mails as often so i need to fill in the time.
Then what the fuck do you actually do at work except for answering emails?
huh? so he's ok with you playing video gams at work :D? weird boss
didn't try any major games yet, but my boss' boss is also ok with me using earplugs and chatting all day. mostly because i do my job anyway
You mean something like msn messenger? It's kinda different to chat abit once and a while than playing games imo..
yea, sth 'like' msn. well i would actually quite often find the time to play games around here, not much to do atm, everything runs just fine :P

wouldn'T call tetris a video game this days anymore :P
I'm a group & events executive in a hotel so atm, we don't have much groups in house, hence its rather quiet for the both of us, him being the group & events manager. we've kept ourselves busy in the last 4 weeks with weddings, weddings fair and so on, but now the next 2 weeks are the only 2 weeks we'll be quiet till december. we've already done and re-checked and re-done all procedures etc etc. always answer our e-mails straight away, but. both are currently working on a new research, but we need something to fill up the day :P
oh ok I see :) gl with your job!
thank you, ive already had an extremely busy may and june. July i managed to keep myself busy with work, but the next 2 weeks i need games to keep myself busy! :D
being paid while playing flash games

e: swords and sandals
I would just play solitaire, best game ever
Download Proun Beta :D It only has 2 levels but its pretty addictive
nothing beats the robot unicorn!

do beginner map than easy / medium / hard :P

my record is level 50

you are a fucking boss if you pass that
I have played maybe one of the older versions of it. Easy/Beginner I went over lvl 100 but It got easier and easier since I go so much money and structures that I would have went so high levels that my comp couldn't take it + it would have taken great amount of time. One map lasted 15mins:D

It was tower defence 3 I think. Seems like 4 just added new maps.
pic or never happened
did 70 now, failed hard after xD
forgot to take it, due to going back to CF and when i swiched back to that site, it was gone, can do it again later and post if u dont believe.
here as promised :D

image: ballons
ye on EASY fu
feel free to get same xD
Happy Wheels and Dwarf Fortress

Edit: Didn't notice that your work PC isn't that powerful so you may have problem with DF :D.
cool i found his house :DD
I mean bob the snail :)
assemble a bomb and destroy your neighbors. Like a boss
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