Laptop guys!

what you guys think of this laptop?

Asus K53SV-SX146V

€ 553

or got alternatives?

image: 002
Bought it last week amazin
got it for 599 tho :P
Kate Upton
looks good, good processor, ram + gfx
good processor/slow hdd :\
Buy HP Probook or better, or else you will get disappointed when it breaks 1month after the warranty is breached.

Sure, buy Lenovo or Mac, but those are so freaking expensive that it's silly.
I'd go for Lenovo IdeaPad V570 with i3 2310M, 4GB RAM & GT525M - slightly over €500. It's won't break in 3 months and it's pretty cheap, however, a little bit slower than this Asus.
But I'm not sure whether it is available in your country.
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