5001 dpi from now on.

It's like the end of an era.
I've been using medium dpi for 7 years now, 70% of that time i had an mx518 in use.
Today i bought a steelseries xai and that cute little thing really got to me..
5001 dpi should work for sc2 i guess :)
little faggot
What is the profit of moving your mouse faster?
Ain't a fast mouse hard to move accurate with it? (lol is that english?)
i want to get used to "wrist"-movement. from ET everyone hear has only learned arm-power :)
i didn't.. wrist ftw
u need fast moving for sc2
Oh, okay :P
not faster but more accurate, theorically.
Nope, it is true that if you increase your dpi you get a faster movement, BUT:

What is more accurate? 5 or 5,01? Well, the more DPI a mouse has, the more accurate the movement will be.

*Edit* Also it moves faster but it's just a consequence. I'm not rly good when it comes to explain in English why is that happening but, imagine that you are using 1000 DPI, then if you move it 1 cm you "jump" 3000000 dots(i.e.), so now if you change to higher DPI(2000) you will jump the same amount of dots, BUT in a close distance.

Hope u get what i'm sayin. :P
if you put down ingame sense, the mouse feels like a low dpi
resolving in more accuracy overall
When it comes to gaming, the accuracy of the mouse can also be too high. A low DPI may in fact correct your own mistakes and move the cursor in a straight line (which is what you often want in shooters) when you actually didn't move your hand perfectly straight. See explaining picture:

image: bv74q0bnkqehzq6vu
i dont have game mouse and i have 400 dpi i think, why is game mouse better?
because gamer mice are mostly designed for gaming - thus better shape, better sensor (sensor is NOT doing what you dont want it to do - in windows if it moves a slightly different than you move your mouse, its not big deal - in game, it sucks), more Hz etc
oh snap!

51-54% is the perfect ingame sense for sc2, everything else overrides windows settings and skips or enlarges pixels.
if you run low on dpi @ 51 % sense, you are just to slow for that game.
played a couple of matches and owned em, it's a lot easier now :)
i set it to 2600 dpi tough which could be tweaked a bit i guess but it is working well for the first try. i admit 5001 is just to high since i dont wanna change the ingame sense.
btw regarding those lines you draw..the steelseries software has some kind of intelligent tracking system which basically draws or continues your movement im not using it tough feels kinda weird
e: oh and i forgot to say: nice explanation!
the straight line argument isnt the same for an RTS like sc2 imo
with high enough sens there are so many micromovements, that low dpi might actually gimp it
Okay, I think I get it, thanks :P
w8ing for over 9000 dpi journal
i used to play ET with 5700 :XDDD
playing SC2 with Razer Abyssus @ 1800dpi/1000hz
Lol, it's a cool story worth to be shared in here. Keep it up. I'm sure we'll all learn a lot about your gaming experiences!
'oh yeah bro, i've been using high dpi settings since forever man'
'that's totally why i'm not a pro aimer yet'
*gets hope and changes settings all the way to absurd*
*keeps failing*
*goes back to old settings*
'those tards from crossfire'

Just play with what you feel good with.
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