map contest


any news? is sean still alive ? what was the latest feedback? I might pick the best 3 maps for a new maps cup for next week or so (if there is some interest!)...

feedback would be nice!
avi for cup
Indeed, it would be nice to know what happened to those new maps which were amazingly created by our beloved map makers. I think there's a delay probably due to holidays but we can't blame our dear Seanza for that eheheheh.
no news/dunno/no feedback/prolly no interest

there you go :)
I have nothing else to say, other than you're doing a great job.
I was wondering exactly the same thing. A cup with them should be nice.
talk to me the next days. I have my last exam tomorrow and recently talked to Sean about finishing it finally as he is unfortunately not able to do anything atm.. We'll get it done finally
kk, I`ll be back in one day - pm incoming!
we need pirates and tounine into the regular mappool :(
ET-cup with new maps :)
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