LAN :DIGIFEST 2k11 ( with prizepool and stuff)

Dear Gamers,

We can already make a pre-announcement for the Digifest 2011 Fall event, 28th-30th of October. The location will be the same:

Tallinn University of Technology

We are providing two tournaments:

Counter-Strike 1.6 – max teams 64

Starcraft 2 – max players 128

The prize fund for the Counter-Strike will be ~7500 € and Stracraft 2 ~2500 € in cash. Other prizes as in products from our supporters to be added on.

We will do our best to provide computers for players coming from abroad and to local players, but be ready to make the logistical plans for BYOC LAN.

not 100% sure games ( ET COD4 QL d3 )
14:09 +Thoww • you running it alone?
14:09 +Thoww • or with some organization?
14:09 +Thoww • and is this the first time

Add some info to your post,
afaik they do this sorta stuff all the time there, there was another event less than a month ago i think
Yea, found it by googling.
digifest is from 2004 afaik
Mostly for ee-guys I guess, havent heard about it before. How big is it, 500 visitors?
ive won 2!!!!! and its quite big, lots of CS players from all over europe
its international ( Japan , finland , russia , germany , estonia , sweden all players from those countrys are signup for this right now )
its CS so it dosent effect ET , digifest is just organiser and company , they gonna pay the pills and stuff nothing else do to with ET
ecklav will attend
It's not fake but i'm not sure about how ET will work out at this lan :)
if there would be a prizepool of something like SAGE there could easily be a 16 team tourney though, people just aren't willing to put in the effort :p
im just trolling :)
it isnt fake lol :D

digifest is biggest lan in estonia
Add links to Digifest, homo
estonians working together to steal from the community :) this is a dark day for ET

ecklav is not pleased
The last time they had ET there and "cash prizes" I got a Prince of Persia game from 1999 and some potato chips instead of the money.
see kord ei jäta auhinna raha digifesti teha

entrencefee läheb auhinna rahaks , mitte ei tule sponsoritelt niiet ei tohiks probleeme olla enam

muidu dignitas oleks huvitatud?
BYOC LAN Eestis väga ei toida ma kahtlustan
no arvan ,et ETl tulevad arvutid ( vähemalt loodan )

aga muidu te oleks huvitatud?
We are looking into providing ~200 PC's for people (mainly targetting people from abroad!) from the University. But all of those don't have great VGA cards, just some random integrated ones.

But again, we are not ready to host an ET event this year.
too bad i dont play starcraft, close from my home
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