Wolfenstein 2009 Lulz

just installed it again because I like replaying single player games every couple of years. Anyways thought I would try the multiplayer game.

To my surprise I enjoyed it more than what i remember, few bugs like it thinks I have a control pad.

anyways why did this game fail. Had more fun playing it than I do playing CoD.
dunno, kinda liked it 2 :)
I didnt like it in 2009 because my pc was crap, since then got a new pc and running everything on highest and its quite nice in terms of smoothness and gameplay speed.
Same :P
PC couldn't handle it either back then.
we all agree with u
Well the multiplayer was the same shit than leaked beta ... and i had both + i paid for 1 64€ ... SHIT GAME! :D
patch 1.2 has changed alot of things. should give it another go you can pick it up for £10 unless u kept it like me lol
i still have here on my table ^^

singleplayer was good .. and after the first day i installed it i never played it again
So you could find a server with players on it? Wow.
yea was full on both sides. there were 5 servers pretty much all full.
just like ET, only ET is 6 years older or sth :p
et is free, otherwise 0 players for sure.
I would buy ET :D
I just like the game. I dont think theres anything wrong with that :o
I liked online and single player. Only reason I stopped playing multi was because all servers where nearly empty. Only thing I didnt like on MP was when you could use that ability thing and the screen goes blue or something I dont remember it now.
It's called veil !
That was awesome :s
Maybe on single player, having it on multi was a bit pointless.
game was pretty shit cuz way2easy to rape noobs like dignitas/mamut.si and helix
image: ati_vs_mamut_manor
image: ati_vs_team-helix

didnt save screens (because thats what i do all the fucking time) but yeah thats what the games looked like
use op weapons get op kills
Seems like the opponent failed to do that!
cant see pstarZ we owned also some named team with u in a mix of pstarZ and another guy , awesome time! :D
Play more games, nerd.
haha awesome . lets do it again !:D
I got it installed on my PC too because It has the best SP I have ever played with, but I also liked the MP part, tho I had huge FPS lags back then. Dunno why it failed, remember hosting servers with mates and playing it, was amazing!!!!!
Are there some server on to play? gonna install it tomorrow again if yes :D
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