need webmaster help

hello if you've good jquery skills and have few minutes to help me with my script leave here a msg with mirc channel on which i can find you
`4drenalin3 could certainly help you out. He's a great guy who works for CrossFire webpages.
Then I feel sorry for you I have no more clue.
obviously its nothing hard if you are asking for this kind of help on cf, jquery documentation (or google) is possibly enough to provide you with enough information to solve your problem...
ofc it is but i must do it until mornin, otherwise i'll not get my money for this project, no time fo rlearnin jquery advances since it is pretty complicated script...
jquery is easy to learn and there are plenty of tutorials, forums and rich documentation which makes it even much easier to master. Maybe next time you should not take projects before you know how to work with technologies you want to use in it.
Besides that, if you are not familiar with jquery, just write in javascript, at least you will same some of the users bandwidth.
well i already know lots of jquery, did pretty much "eye candy" stuff with it but this time my problem is very embroiled because of amount of php stuff which comes with it
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