Saiko baby

As we are venturing forward on our journey, we yet again managed to beat one of the most respected and skilled ET teams. As we fought our way trough all the evil, we encountered Intensive Noobs. They challenged us, and we more then gladly accepted this battle of pride and nobility. Intensive noobs with oldschool legends like NorwayDomi and NetherlandsThunder supported by amazing new talent like NetherlandsOtyg(Who has been performing really well lately).

After 1 hour of battling eachother with lightning bolts, pokemons and fireballs we managed to ban this evil from the world for the rest of times. Without the support of oldschool saiko legend NetherlandsRMY we wouldn't have managed to pull ourselves trough this epic battle. THANK YOU REMY<3

Saiko fighting


image: 54f5aoimage: 2nu101y

thx for the game
i demand a rematch with lineup :(
Too ez to frag nubs
I just wanna make u MAD

I am raging man!
I am raging man!
man why did u show me the ponponpon song omg its stuck in my head....
same here m8
no shit sherlock that was like my 2nd war in a year
thunder let u win cuz he's got a great life and he's a good guy.
I approve of that, Thunder is most certainly a really nice chap
always making other people happy.

he is my hero
trgt aka patrick , ja joh
trick aka Bob
tr*ck aka NL.m.TR*CK
I hate you guys, noobs.
BossHK lost? stop faking screenshots
good stuff

back in 1956 maybe
fake intensive noobs :S
tbh i blame Tw1zZt, we played like 12mins of axis but i think i only played like 6mins because of the fulls he kept giving me. oyeah and i suck! well played tho :D
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