omg i loled
Adriano busted for the third time!
9 Dec 2006, 00:07
Copy paste the link above in your browser.
And he get busted on his INTERVIEW OMG:
Copy paste the link above in your browser.
And he get busted on his INTERVIEW OMG:
mehr wnb du hund :S
cheating is pro
more kiddies pls
adriano pezzo de merda ta tata tatat!!!
cazzo vuoi nerd
albanese de merda, togliti la flag ita
hahaah pierino
lol bliz
cheaters acctaully buy cheats, and when they get busted they say: so what its just a stupid game, i dont care :DDD
rofl true xD they say like "i don't care" even when they are 1st busted they deny it :P