Doom 3 source code

It's comming...

Isn't there an ET mod for Doom 3 in progress? (:
think theres more of an rtcw mod

merging his media with the etxreal project would be interesting tho, anybody got news or updates on that?
I fucking love the enthusiasm in that guys newspost
maybe it looks ET or RTCW with a cool graphic engine but it will never feel like the original gameplay!

Or is it possible?
Maybe... : )
QuoteThe best thing is that it runs smoother than the "vanilla" doom 3, and the movement has been fixed so far. Feel free to trickjump and Bunny hopping XD
All this news destroyed in my mind, after watchiing FOX, THE LAST ICE CLIMBER! wooo!
Doom 3 is cool,it allows to make engine scripts,thats the +1
yes there is a ET mod in doom 3 incoming, because a mate is actually making all the player models for it :p
Could be fun.
(: dunno (:
(: who (: cares (:
(: (:
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