Dersaidin challenge completed

As everybody know, there is a chicken hiden on Adlernest

image: shot0005j

My super buddies (BelgiumAzur, FrancejAu, FranceJiindAy, FrancetalG, FranceKallenge) and FranceI find another one on Bremen_b3

image: shot0004ub

So we made some research about this mapper (Dersaidin) and found he created two other maps : Crevasse_b3 and Sottevast_b3.
We also explore the pk3 files and find this texture :
Quotetextures/dersaidin/ds-chicken1.jpg (86.69 Kb)

Maps uploaded on the server, we made the chicken challenge and tried to find the secret chicken on these maps.

Like a B O double S, I found first the chicken on both map.

image: shot0000ot

image: shot0002cus

Nao, if you are pro, find them , play the Secret Chicken Challenge !
Prizes : e-Fame and be proud of you.

image: 1249586970209
Good job guys

image: dschicken2

image: tumblr_loe6oiuGWq1qc5uc0o1_400
Welcome to 2011
Obtiens une vie.
Well done :)
Ah ouais quand meme
nice ;)
dude, this is old :D

saw it on bio few months ago
also sottevast and crevasse?
not on crevasse

I don't know if you are the first person to find them all, but I don't remember anyone else going as far as telling me or posting a journal.
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