Reggae Geel

packing some stuff together for Reggae Geel tomorrow.
First day of Reggae Geel ended today already.
I do not know much about Reggae, I do know some things about dub,
which will be played there either. I'm going there for the atmosphere
(smoke some joints without getting any complaints :D) in the first place
& some people we haven't seen for a long time will be there too.
So is anybody going there?

expecting some of these
sup3r is there, some fucked up junky shit last year :P
I heard it was pretty sick, never been there though.
looks pretty awesome for 15 euros :D
17:30 – 19:00 Etana - Chezidek & Dub Akom Band
19:30 – 20:45 Luciano and The Irie Vibrations band
21:15 – 22:45 Morgan Heritage’s Peetah & Gramps

must see
I'll try to be there,
would have no idea whats worthy watching & what isn't.
Lucky me my friends know something about it! :)
normally go every year but had to work today and football tomorrow :(

don't miss luciano, he will be good! most important about reggae geel is the camping atmosphere tho! be sure to go chill in one of the hammocks :D
sure thing that,
won't bring a tent, I'll be sleeping at one of those!
1st time there? I'm thinking about going till 6 tho it would be 1 hour bus from Hasselt and I have to be back at 6 at last to take the bus to Lierse
yes first time Geel,
you should come over if possible ofc!
(smoke some joints without getting any complaints :D)

Its illegal here and not hard to smoke just around outside, I mean if you smoke spliffs its real easy (joint with some tobacco)
It's not legal in Belgium.
But Reggae Geel is known for its smokers & it will be lots of joints..
Just saying you made it sound like something special, I smoke weed outside all the time lol
special about that festival is that you'll find more joints than cigarettes :) it's a stoner festival!
I'm just trying to say it's known for its stoners, end a fucking story :D
so like any other festival?:D
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