saturday night out

hellou beloved

how are u? how was ur day so far?

was clubbing & drinking last night, got up early cause of peaches, so been tired all day. came home around 2, ate and went to sleep, woke up 15 min ago.

tonight re-run of yesterday with my driver bro and one cool croat, almost as cool as me. now I'm mentally preparing for tonight and burning some music for the car. bitch went on the sea side with her girlfriends, fuck yeah. gonna be a good night ;)

P.S. my cool grandpa poured me a liter of his legendary image: rakija from his legendary barrels made by himself. gonna spice up things a little bit more.


image: kc16qg
my day was normal


also in case you are not informed, a chopper filled with nato soldiers was shut down causing 37 death when 20+ are navy seals team six, the same soldiers who killed ubl :~<


btw saskia @ pic? :~XD
so u're saying saskisa looks similar to this chick?

heard about the chopper. rip
i was a bit joking

but hair + shape + TAKING SELF PICS IN SAME WAY
should've known she was blonde, damn :p

so cohen u know us being ebuddies and all. I was wondering if u could accidentally share some saskia pic links to my inbox so i can see for myself what we're dealing here with :D
well i think you should ask her
and i think she have a few in her cf profile :xD
Also haven't done much yet today, pretty typical saturday

any idea what Rakija is, like type of liqour, or is it some type that is unique to croatia or wherever
very strong alcohol similar to vodka, but homemade. Brewing rakija is a very old balkan tradition and pro rakija makers are highly respected. it's unique for these parts (cro, serbia, bih)

the key feature / element that made rakija famous is: u start drinking. U immediately realize its stronger than anything u ever drank. So u keep drinking shot after shot and it's all good. Then u decide to go out for a piss, and then suddenly ur legs simply cut off. :DD and its basically over for u that night, u start puking, people bring u mineral water etc.

pro advice: never get drunk out of rakija unless u have to ^^

Gotta try it some day if u come to cro, but real shit not some fake rakija imported from china or where ever :)

UPDATE: my greatest rakija encounter ever was on 22.10.2006. (I celebrate my 2nd birthday on that date) when I was still a young lad. It was a sunday night and tomorrow morning was school. We started drinking around 9 pm gemist (gemist is wine mixed with mineral water). it was 0.3 l gemist and then we cut it with rakija. I looked on my watch around half past eleven.

next image i remember was waking up in my bed with my sleepy mum sitting on a chair and starring at me. she slapped me so hard I still remember the pain. she screamed: U STUPID FUCK, U ALMOST DIED LAST NIGHT. UR FRIENDS BROUGHT U HOME. if ur brother didn't hear u chocking in bed u'd die for sure, u were covered with foam, we had to turn u side ways to breathe. *slap again* (she was sitting next to my bed all night)

it was monday morning, and I didn't go to school till wednesday that week. I was puking at least 10 times every day couldn't eat for shit, I was begging for someone to shoot me. worst torment ever.

and when I came around I wanted to know wtf really happened. my friends said around half past eleven I lost it completely. they said I was hugging walls trying to search for an exit, so I got a nickname spiderman. I became a local legend. they said I drank around 15 gemists and 20 something 0, 03 l of rakija.

in cro there is a saying: "Everyone has a rakija story" this was mine :)
dam it thats too much to read
i think i had something like that at crete @_Z
didnt want more than a taste
fucked up from last nights bbq with alot of whiskey

did some N2O balloons wich was fun

gonna chill at a friends
Wait, its saturday? Well i'll do the same as always: Watch some soaps, play some games and stare out of the window wondering what it would be like to have a life.
wats rakija?
look at my reply two nerds above :)
Play ET
we have biermeile today in berlin so ill be there soon but the guys watching football atm :/

have a nice nite all =)
guten nacht saskia!
atm i have no time at all for parties :(

writing exams since 3 weeks and still 2 weeks to go

-> study hard every day ...

but in 1-2 weeks i will party haaaaaaaard :)
Strange time for exams.
semester started rly late (2. may)
Going to a friends house in Edinburgh again. Going to shot absinthe and be sick again, then wake up with another dildo on my face :))
i bet u said a prayer when u realized it wasn't somewhere else :D
since i am awake i thought it was sunday today.. i was like "wtf why are you talking about saturday now" OMG! -.-'
Well, i woke up 50min ago ~9pm fintime after sleeping 18h i missed the stores so i cant get beer anymore. Luckily my dad had bought beer for me :))))) So im leaving in a minute to a friend in town. Drinking and then going to the local bar later at night
wake up
go back to the army
ok bye
gonna nerd hon again cause i never played RTS in my life before and need to prac hard :'(
Came back from Stuttgart stadium (1. match of the Bundesliga). Stuttgart won 3:0 against Schalke.
Tomorow morning football matches (cup with/against the 3 villages around me, THERE WILL BE BLOOD!), so no partying for me today as they want me to play defender which I've never really done before...
3 mates are supposed to come in like 40m, we'll eat smth and then dno

we have 50 euros in weed, we usually smoke it all in a night, were supposed to go out but ill try to convince them to just chill at home and get heavily stoned.
I got home at 16:00 today after working 20 hours in 25 hours time and I managed to spill some red wine on the dress of a bride in the process. so time to relax now :)
Was designated driver yesterday and earned 100 euros pure profit. Gonna drive again tonight.
You going to duel voldemort this time and not just die without a fight?!?!?!?!?
dude seriously, why so primitive?
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