1.8 g Speed alone

Friday morning @9:00 am -> Gym
- I worked out that hard that i nearly puked all over the floor there

Friday afternoon until 9:00 pm -> work

Friday night: -> 1.8 g of speed all by myself, i tried it only once before 2 years ago.
I was awake the whole Night (electro party), day, had my gf orgasm like 6 or 7 times in the afternoon on saturday (today) after talking for the whole day and nearly talked her ex boyfriend into coming in for a threesome. was a fun day but im glad it stopped now after finally finding some peace in sleep. :)

nice evening, crossfire
Well done?
Awesome life.
He would share this story with his friends.... but because of a small issue he has to share this with us! :)
well done?

image: 2011115_clapping_animation
well done mate, well done.
rofl, well I mean sounds like it was fun
well it doesnt add up with your profile

SC2 only :)

Drugs - Making people cool since 300 b.cc
You changed...
pics/vids or never happened.
next time dont be too poor for cocain.
i picked up 200,-- at the local ATM for that but at that time all the dealers were gone.
anyway next week then.. :)
lol we even travelled to a more distant location in order to get some but returned back emptyhands
i thought you only did it once. so why force it this time around?
cant say i approve of any of those drugs but if it gotta be then at least go for the real product not the crap thats left over.
there is a time and place for everything so go easy on that shit or soon you "dont have a choice anymore" as cheesy and conservative as that sounds...
nah np. i want to try coke at least once just as i have tried some proper lines of speed now. and after that there wont be much more in which im interested in :) nvm
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