Dutchies going to PHX?

Well, I'm wondering if there are any people from Holland going to PHX?
I don't want to go alone to there so I'm looking for a travel buddeh ya know
Tell me how you're going, day, time, etc.
Post it here or contact me on mIRC as [bp]hayzee or xfire: etdigit


what does like PHX look like at the moment? It is even going to happen is there any teams that 100% are going?
what does like PHX look like at the moment? It is even going to happen is there any teams that 100% are going?
what does like PHX look like at the moment? It is even going to happen is there any teams that 100% are going?
what does like PHX look like at the moment? It is even going to happen is there any teams that 100% are going?
all the people above SurinameseFirepower are skinny nerds with spaghetti arms or big noses
hey friend :) going out tonight?

no i have been awake for like 26hours, gf and her friends asked to hit the club but i said: no bitches im gonna drink gogagola and watch sc2/ql stream :PP what about u?

ok friend :)

im watching some tv and gonna watch ql tdm final in a few hours, then going to sleep :P

e: x
what does like PHX look like at the moment? It is even going to happen is there any teams that 100% are going?
hey doggie , ik was gister zo panja dat ik moest kosten, lijk wel beetje op je
?gniog era %001 taht smaet yna ereht si neppah ot gniog neve si tI ?tnemom eht ta ekil kool XHP ekil seod tahw
wah du nerd schreibst das auch noch alles ab xD
und du nerd hast es anscheinend gegen gelesen :P
definitiv NEIN ='D
ach komm lüg doch nich :'/
sponsor mij
There aren't even 8 teams
all the people above SurinameseFirepower are skinny nerds with spaghetti arms or big noses
zuig ze pik nog ietsjes meer
do I know you?
no, but do you have to know me?

just suck his cock .
who the fuck are you and why are you replying to me?
cock suckeRRR
Ik ga misschien met een RL maat een busje huren, gaan we via calais de tunnel pakken. :P soort roadtrip idee
everyone whats know a cfg not only the screenshot can everyone what that have send me pm with the cfg
all the people above SurinameseFirepower are skinny nerds with spaghetti arms or big noses
all the people above Zangief are skinny nerds with spaghetti arms( except my homie Kamz ofc)
all the people above SurinameseFirepower are skinny nerds with spaghetti arms or big noses
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