Chaos Mod went to

Chaos Mod went to open soucre.

I dont have so much time for Wolfenstein/Chaos Mod.

So i will release the source of the mod.

But dont say: Hey, these is from Noquarter. These is from Etpub. These is from real life.

Also shut the fuck up

Maybe you can find some bugs and help me. Or you can revive the old Wolfenstein with xreal-chaos. or or or....

Have Fun

I sad,because I said to scenna to not publish the soucre code,but he did it.
Now fucking publish ETpro soucre code.Then quit.

Okay.Since you asked about Chaos mod,here we go.

Scennative aka Scenna has created the best mod I've ever played. The mods name is Chaos.

It's pretty hard to describe this mod as it has a lot of cool features. I'd say it's a mix between the best mods you've ever played, combined it's best features and added several new game features.

image: 2zokw1z

The homepage of this mod is

New features:
New HUD -
New weapons
New sounds
New options
New blood effect -
Flashbangs -
And many others. If you want to see them, download his alpha testing release on the website.

If you play it,you love it.

image: 105788861-4
image: 2010-09-12-200951-fuelhy5w
Never heard of it. Glad it didn't work out. What a shit name
Because you dont care other mods than ETpro,right?
» This server has 0 fan(s).


ET 2.55


chaos 0.2.0
Based 2.55.That doesnt make mod shit.2.60(b) patch is just bug fix and security fix
Parent is there some actual, rational reason for playing a buggy version of the game?
Half of ET playing players dont know even whats 2.60 patch.
I just dont get it,why people whining about 2.55.Its just a numbers,thats all.
That's hardly a reason to not patch.

Anyway, mods are nice as long as they're still ET. That is not ET. Sorry.
2.55 is the original .exe installer and also the one people will find after googling for a bit. They install it, it works > no need to browse the internet to see if there might possibly be any patches out.

You have no idea how hard it was to explain how to install ET 2.60b to my old NoQuarter clan on ET 2.55.
True, true. I think the real issue is with the idiots hosting unpatched servers, and mod devs providing support for it.
Could you maybe explain what chaosmod is?
j aimerais du soucre avec mon café svp
Looks like CoD hud or some shit, stick with the classic look kthx
Perhaps you should go more into detail on this mod. The new HUD looks like it's been changed, not improved.
So I tried this mod, although very briefly.
Here are the obvious faults:
- It's not fucking ET.
- The mod runs extremely poorly, as in poor FPS
- Strafejumping is fucked up (it doesn't seem to have much of an effect on your speed, I guess the fuck who made this made jumping reduce your speed or something)
- Sprinting is fucked up
- Reloading makes your view bob annoyingly
- There's an absolutely ridicilous blood flash effect that has a huge performance impact (dropped my FPS by 30), covers half your screen, has a retarded sound effect probably ripped from CoD4, and you can't turn any of this off (at this point I /quit)
- The cunt added a sixth class called Sniper, which I didn't even want to try - it's very likely the CoD oneshotkill bullshit

Absolute and utter crap. You thought shit like NoQuarter was the stuff that is killing ET? Well shit nigga, NQ ain't got nothing on this motherfucker, this is the cancer that is killing Enemy Territory and FPS games in general. Don't try it, this crap doesn't deserve your downloads.

image: iDstg

Bottom line: While True Combat: Elite was an example of how to do a total conversion mod right, this is an example of how to do it horribly, horribly wrong.

You little faggot.

Chaos mod is a fun mod.

I make these mod in my free time. And i make these mod for me, not for the community.

It´s a little hobby. Also dont flame about my mod, and shut the fuck up.

When a server admin like my mod, then he can use it.
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