First Dota 2 ban!?
8 Aug 2011, 01:04
First off, i'm innocent and i basically ended up in a massive flame war with the head(?) s2admin about the stupid fucking reason they banned my account. They decided to get all sarcastic and high and mighty frop style on me instead of listening to reason then started spouting shit that i should leave noobs alone and let them farm all game if that is what they want. I gave my counter argument to them being the solo reason we lost the game and fucking it up for the rest of the team but they were trying too hard to be smart like only hugthesub can do so i went g5 massive on them.
Ban hammer is imminent
Ban hammer is imminent
First of all, there are no "S2 Head Admin" , there are trial GMs, Junior GMs and Senior GMs, real S2 Staff don't usually deal with bans, they sometimes only help in the appeal section.
Those GMs or the S2 Staff dealing with the appeals have no connection nor the power to ban you from anywhere but HoN.
Mission successful though: Attention attracted ?
-e- Yea, mission succesfull. I want everyone to see how s2 continually fuck us!
Also, if you pm me the screenshot of that GM saying that, I will get him kicked out - and create a big chaos in forums :)
You must be able to agree with me that a 1200 mmr player just constantly farming all the wrong gear and never helping in any group fights or ganks deserves a good barking! I'm getting punished for speaking the truth :<
also Hits 1336
they made HoN so they can learn from their mistakes
We're you playing on a public server expecting your teammates to co-operate with you? Saying that your public teammates sucked is not much of an argument for anything, that's like stating that the sky is blue. Surely not an excuse for whatever going g5 massive stands for, something terrible I'm afraid
2. Whine about it in ET site
3. Profit