London riots

Just got in from Camberwell and Lewisham, its fkin crazy fires everywhere and shit, people throwin stuff at police, buses on fire shops getting raided
Those damn hippies again, why don't they just get a job.
Why does one need a job?
Some narrow-minded inviduals start to riot and shit in masses if they aren't doing anything useful.
policeman killed some father..
wtf? apparently there's some riot near me :<
dont die mate

aww thanks ; )
Still no way near an excuse to cause all this mindless vandalism, stealing from their local shops, endangering innocent lives for this is pathetic...

If they're going to protest against the police for the killing then sure, but none of this is relevant.
I bet every1 will get compensated by the government, where is the problem?
People having fun, that`s all.
At the public's expenses, great fun for all those unemployed niggers causing shit on the streets up there 'rioting' eh?
Hatred breeds hatred. Unnecessary racism.
But it's the internet, thought I could say that word :((((((
It's not like I'd support that or something, he asked why and I answered him
Cause people found out s2 banned me from hon ;)
time for me to join the riot!
Cause Waki tried to make a funny ;)
time for me to join the riot!
wat endz u from?
The fuckers are burning Greggs down. I'm not avin that.

wannabe vancouver?
i was thinking the same thing xD
Kill them all.
niggers yo
did tottenham lose a football game?
Dunno, but West ham did. Close enough :_)
So the cops blasted some jamaican hustler and ppl got pissed of and started a riot?
Or what happened there?
inner city racial tension. looting starts, violence outbreaks, i blame video games....

....and black people.

(joke above of course)... i dont give a fuck how or why it started, the police are being too soft. get in there with water cannons, rubber bullets and gas the rioting fucks. breaking the law is breaking the law. baton the fuck out them.
They said that there is NOT enough Police now to sort this mess out...

I ask myself sometimes "Why do we send our troops to police other countries when we can barely keep order in our own?"
so true to be honest. as mad , evil and completely fucking nuts the bnp are, they do have some solid ideas on the uk policing and our armed forces.

they basically say that get all our troops back from foreign soil and defend our own soil from foreign insurgency and crime. get the police back to bobby on the beat mentality and get a lot more of them walking communities rather than drive past in a car at 40 miles an hour going to the station for a teabreak...

if this happened in scotland, no-one would notice, we just call this sort of thing "saturday night".
I agree that BNP have a few good views on certain subjects but I sure as hell would never vote for them. I personally follow UKIP as they are basically a toned down BNP.

But honestly, why bother trying to fix other countries if we are struggling with our own problems?! It really pisses me off tbh...
our country is in a truly afwul state mate. im not right wing in my politics, but these type of things are happening far too easily now and needs contolled quickly and now to avoid it happening again. seeing it breaking out now in birmingham as well, not that suprised as it looks like people can do whatever the fuck they want in the uk now and get away with it...
There are more police on the beat now than there ever has been in history.
but per head of population compared to per head of police? and how many coppers actually ON the beat? the uk illegal immigrant population grows YEARLY....and we just cannot cope with it, as you can clearly see from these riots lately.... inner city areas, more and more unemployment, violence, drugs AND LESS cops yearly than previous years intake for new police joining the job.

were fucked . buy a shotgun.
I really wouldn't use the hate-mongering, fact-ignoring Daily Mail as a reputable source for anything. Additionally, violent crime has actually fallen over the past two years. Drugs is too much of an all encompassing banner, the ins and outs of which are never reported truthfully in the newspapers. It is the sociological problems that need to be sorted out, i would actually attribute most of the blame to a drop in educational standards which are only going to be exacerbated by the increase in student fees which will cause the class gap to grow to epic proportions. Ah well, that's what happens under a Conservative government, every fucking time.
The police aren't allowed to do their job any more. Send in the army and fire a few bullets in the air, they will be running to their mommies in no time. They just started rioting in Croydon where I live, fuck sake. :(
stay safe mate! wall lean and sit on 4 medpacks, if any fucker comes near your house, strap a knife on a broom handle, and aim for the throat!
I lived pretty close to Croydon for the whole of my life! I move away and this happens the next fucking day. Let me know if I am needed on the front line and I wil show the Police how to smash some teeth in!
Get the Molesey and Epsom massive on this. wouldnt surprise me if it starts kicking off around here. Some parts are shitholes lol.
Spoke to a friend who lives in Kingston and there are small things kicking off there. They have the roit police there but no where near as bad as central london.
some parts of central london like Brixton, Hackney etc are lower than dirt. Hackney is just 1 big council estate.

get all the fuck ups of society and stick them in 1 place. sounds like a good idea at the time but soon as they all start kicking off then the shit hits the fan lol.
Haha i used to live in Epsom for a year or so.
Just seen Croydon on Sky news. Hope you keep safe mate, looks fucking bad right now :\
Quote get in there with water cannons, rubber bullets and gas the rioting fucks. breaking the law is breaking the law. baton the fuck out them.

brilliant :DDDDDDD

you remind me of Combo from 'This is England 86'.
if youre running in a mobile phone shop with a scarf on your face stealing shit, and some copper smashes your nose in with a baton, tough fucking shit. deal with it. you know the risks if youre doing this shit. anyone wearing a scarf on his face and throwing anything or smashing anything would get fucked up. no questions, no "oh he did it cos im black" , fuck you, you rioting / looting ball sack.

the cops run up and down a street banging a shield? wtf, if i was a rioter id be laughing my arse off at them. they have no fear cos they know the cops cant use violence to qwell violence. the tactics the cops use actually makes more people riot cos theres no repurcussions....

if youre a rioter and you see 3 big coppers battering fuck out some kid with a tv under his arm, knocking him unconscious, youd soon fuck off home....
haha. But its not the police you should be blaming its the changes in Human Rights Law. That is what is stopping the police from using violence themselves.
Southern fairies would be vigilantes up north going sick !
The thing is I disagree with the riots to an extent, but the government need to understand that Britain isn't all tweed jackets and polo. I hope the riots fuck over as much of London as possible, without hurting any citizens, but destroying as much as they can, and looting all major companies.
great advert for the olympic games in 2012 huh....

cancel it.

see how quick the government sort out these inner city shitholes after that.
I move away from London.... and a few hours later this happens.

Gunna have to go smash some faces in I think!
just lure them into...<you know what>... easy bash for you, since...<you know why>
ye its hit epsom ffs
Good. I hope they fuck as much shit up as possible.
First people let in niggers and then complain about them, oops, too late.
shitholes like this should be burnt down anyway let them kill each other and wipe out the "scumbag" gene
what an epic statement :DDDD

but 90 % of people would agree with it however fucked up it sounds haha.
a vote for me is a vote for change?
'we're trying so hard to get footage of a white guy looting to stop the racism allegations BUT THERE AREN'T ANY!!' - text from BBC cameraman

what an epic text srsly :DDDDD
Doesn't suprise me :D
Bet they bust alot of people claiming disability benefit as well carrying 32 inch tvs under their arms whilst claiming they got a bad back haha
haha im genuinely crying from reading that. :DDDDDDDD

can just imagine some dude carrying a 32 inch tv down the road with a police helicopter shining the spotlight on him as hes running.

policeman in the helicopter with a megaphone:


meanwhile the guy carrying the tvs boss is watching on TV like... ' the fucker called in with a bad back'
You mean spotlight goes on him queue acting like a cripple...
haha ye, would be epic. Then he phones in the next day saying he got a bad back from carrying the TV haha
phones in on his new number? On his grand spanking iphone lmfao
haha, you just made my day man :D i can see it right before my eyes xD
Haha, love it :D
TheGUNNShop's point of view, i love this dude
Explains what he found about this & give his opinion
They're burning everything except mosques booo!
gota love the scum of our society. just riot for the sake of it to look cool so you can tell your m8s that you burned a car or robbed a shop.
multiculturalism failed years ago this is the worst glad i live in a town where there is no minority groups :D
Please tell me of this heavenly place?
Started in Coventry too, just heard someone has rammed a car into a shop on an Indian/Pakistani road.

Crazy stuff! This is gonna be a nightmare week, great talking point though!!
look down youll like it ahahah
Getting beyond a joke now. Police need to be stricter but its not their fault, Government/law/legislation is too lenient now adays. The police are doing the best they can, getting battered with bricks that go through riot shields. The ppl that are doing this are typical scum youth of London. The violence is spreading now, about 15mins away from where i live. I just hope normal citizens start sticking up for their area soon.
Can have a guess at where's next! Leeds, Bradford, Blackburn and preston for obvious reasons
that new planet of the apes trailer looks amazing!!!

nevermind, sorry, i had it on sky news reporting from london....
macey61 wayne mace
by TSCollymore@
@TSCollymore They must make u ashamed to be black .....
What a bunch of cunts.
Makes me sick.. I really hope they get whats coming to them.
Fucking kids.
What do looters go for? Ipods? Cameras? tvs? NO RICE OFC image: 368046249
gnome lad ive missed your humour!!! :D
hahahahahaha NAH LAD NAH
fuck yeah revolution

we started this shit in spain in a pacifist way. now in the uk they are burning shit down.

fuck the governement. kill them all. fucking stealing faggots, they are the niggers.
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