to zeh germans

been enjoying some trolololo vids with United KingdomArtstar and found Raiders of the Trololost Ark

That's when Luke asked question of vital importance:
<stAR> i just realised
<stAR> coz there is a nazi sign everywhere in the lost ark
<stAR> does that mean germans cant watch it?

so tell me GermanyGermany:can you watch it or you can't watch anything WW2 and Nazi related so missing out on Indiana Jones?
we can. Showing Nazisymbols in TV or where ever is allowed in Germany. Drawing or using them for anything isnt
why can't you play games with a swastika then?:z
That's the question dude...that's the€ question
Why they play ET then?
no idea about that, maybe they had a different version to download (eg. all nazi stuff removed).
They have advntage then. Ban all germans from ET imo
Since when's there "Nazi stuff" in ET?
We had a special version of RtCW though, all Swastikas had been removed, real people bore different names (Heinrich Himmler eg turned into Heinrich Höller).
You weren't even fighting against Nazis but some "Wolf Clan"...
yeah I see, I was confusing the two. :P I have like picmip 3 so any signs and logos are a blur in my cfg so if there were or weren't swastika's and nazi content I wouldn't know about it :D
Haha, it used to be the same for me actually and I still got only non-stable 72 fps at best. :(
That is so ridiculous:DDD
Tell me about it. :P
there are old maps (i think theyre ported from rtcw:mp with big swastikas
Like what, for example? In any case they're custom maps then and not official one's. That's an entirely different matter. :P
mhh dont know the name :/
saw it in big fragmovies tho...
there is a plane, two big towers and in the middle a gate which you need to open. behind the gate is a capturable spawn...
Leider ist dieses Video in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da es Musik enthalten könnte, für die die GEMA die erforderlichen Musikrechte nicht eingeräumt hat.
Sylt is not Germany :DDD
ofc, Germany is still Nazi country and everyone likes it ^_^
i like to see this!
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