Home workout

I presume that some of you like me, dont have the money\ power to sign up for a gym or afraid not to attend on a weekly basis, any how 2 months ago i started exercising at home and i already see results and i hope this video can help some other to "get ripped" or just in shape.


If you have a video demonstrating a home-workout ill appreciate you posting :)

have a nice day!
I am working out for about 2 years now but I use dumbbell weights to work out. Basicly do everything you find here: http://www.dumbbell-exercises.com/exercises/index.html and do like 10-15 of each with the maximum weight you can do it with.

Edit: if you really want vids then I'll just share what I looked at when I started, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKg_cdwq9l4&feature=relmfu
looks awesome thanks
i swear ive seen this guy on pornhub
Brickmaster202 8 maanden geleden 5315

Oh did he get busted.
ill watch it later
i dont pay for my gym because i use the machines at the boxing gym i attend
Quotepower to sign up for a gym or afraid not to attend on a weekly basis,

image: 2jJnX
who is it? i forgot its name
home exercise doesnt work out m8
sure it does, ok you wont be able to become a bodybuilder where your vains pop out but it definitely gets you a fit look which is what some people (like myself) want
im talking more about motivation part, but maybe that is just me.. im just used to going to basketball training like away from my home, i think these two should be seperated so even if i am too lazy to do something i still force myself to the gym/court and well if i am already there i have to do something otherwize it would be waste of time and money :D
why wouldnt you be able to get super big doing workouts at home?? look at this guy

Yeah I know him, linked him in my 1st reply. No way he got that far without going to the gym though, unless he bought like all the machines and sruff. But u definitely dont get that body with just pushups in your livingroom ;D

He probably goes to the gym every day and when he's home he does those excercises to stay sharp, but it definitely wont be giving him extra mass.
hmm well could be.. they're are pictures of him being in the gym and he has got shirts of Gold gym so it is possibly true! still, I do believe you can get pretty far just doing excersises at home and by that not only pushups ofcource ;)
Well yes and no. yes you can get very fit from home workouts and you can get a lot of power aswell, but you will be training strength.

Bodybuilders train mass, you gain mass by doing heavy weight workouts in a short time, basicly pushing your muscles very hard for a short time = the kind of stuff you do in the gym. Of course you can do it at home but you'll need equipment like in the gym where you can work with heavy weights to gain mass.

Without heavy weights to work with you will not be looking anywhere near that guy on the video, simply because you wont be gaining mass like that. Its just how the body works :D
there was a vid of some black guys doing workout on a playground, I think there wont be a problem to convert that to your furniture..

inb4 urtier btw

now what inb4 means ?
in before. related to urtier being a fitness "pro" who lost like 90(?) kg the last months..
wow good for him! nice
I'm no fitness pro at all and I lost around 75 kgs, but well.. here's my comment! :-)

I would have also posted the scooby workout stuff most likely, since he is showing it really nicely how the excercises should be done and he doesn't use any fancy equipment to do them. I adapted a few of them as well!
well, if loosing weight is also considered as fitness, then you are pro at it :)
in before urtier, meaning urtier will make a comment (no idea why he wrote it)
2dope on 09/08/11, 20:34:06 Del | Edit | Reply

in before. related to urtier being a fitness "pro" who lost like 90(?) kg the last months..

makes sense? :>
I understand what it means, just don't see why you wrote it. it's like saying "inb4 ag0n" in a well made movie topic. what is the point :D
Well, its always like that: You post a cfg topic - skype makes a comment. You post a .pl topic - non polish guys comment, most likely with oh kurwa. So, you post a fitness topic - urtier replies.

No flame or hatred, just telling that I'm expecting him to comment soon :)
now show me how to workout your legs and back at home !
to work my back i like pull ups but i cant do it at home!
after jogging ( +works for your legs) i like going to the park or somthing and do pullups!
pullups are the best exercise there is, works for the whole upper body, shoulders arms back chest everything.
i need a pull up bar at home ;d
best workout for back is deadlifting
It does require a lot of power to sign up for a gym.
the signing up is not hard but to attend 3\4 times a week does!
I agree with the kettlebells at the back!!
You can do the 666 workout with only Dumbells and will give great results. Back when I started I used 2 6kg Dumbells


1) 6* shoulder push press
2) 6* shoulder chin front raise
3) 6* bicep curls
4) 6* bent over row (straight leg)
5) 6* press up's (using dumbells)
6) 6 * squat push presses

Repeat 6 times*

45 sec to 1min break between sets.


20 * medicine ball seated twist (10 each side, can use a dumbell instead)

Plank for 30 seconds

10 * burpee's

Repeat 3 times


I still do a similar routine to this work out about 3/4 times a week and have seen great results in my upper body if you feel it gets to easy you can always up the weight on the dumbells. If you are unsure on the excercises you can just look them up on youtube or I can post them if you're still unsure. If you need directions on your diet to gain weight plz say so.
If you got some french skillz, try "méthode lafay" on google.
Go gym, twist metal.
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