Travel to UK - passport

What's the deal with traveling to and from the United KingdomUnited Kingdom from within EuropeThe EU in regards to passports and furthermore, visas/national ID?

I can't find an 'official' answer to this anywhere, and my current sources all seem to be disagreeing with each-other.

e.g. if I lived within EuropeThe EU and wanted to travel to the United KingdomUK, do I need a passport to get in, or do I only need National ID?


Passports that are required for all International flights should normally be valid for at least your period of intended stay. Some countries require passports to remain valid for longer periods, up to six months, the details of which should be checked with the embassy or consulate of the country you are travelling to. In lieu of a passport EU*, EEA (EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Swiss nationals are permitted to enter any EU/EEA member state on production of a valid national passport or national identity card.[/u]


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national id only works between EU countries, UK requires a passport
passport i think
Umm, passport only if flying, otherwise a national ID should do.

Didn't check it further when we were touring since we had passports with us anyway. But no need for visas at least.
not true, id will suffice
Isn't that what I said :/
QuoteUmm, passport only if flying

that's not true
Ah, didn't know that. Have always used passport when flying, within EU too.
someone is collecting stamps here!
A thing that might confuse a bit is that while our driving licence is a valid id here in Finland, it's not an actual ID card that you can use in the EU.

e: Ah, forgot that in some cases you can't use driving licence to prove you identity here either.
Which is why he said "national ID card" and not "driver's license" :()
id is enough
What documents are accepted to enter the UK?
National passports and identity cards are acceptable documents for EU and EEA citizens and national passports and visas are acceptable documents for non-European nationals.
Furthermore you have to carry, and be able to show if asked, legitimate identification at all times within Sweden, or you might get into quite some trouble. New law. :D
uk doesnt belong to the schengen zone
UK didn't accept Schengen Agreement (as always). Then there's no "free travel".
Passport is required imo.

e : owned by Raffou
id is enough
I'm going to UK next monday and I get informed by the airport that an id was enough.
You contacted the airport and got this response? OFFICIAL?
I reserved my tickets directly at the airport, so I asked at the same time. Furthermore, my cousin lives in UK and often travel between France and UK and re-confirmed me that an id was clearly enough, he doesn't even have his passport. I think it only depends how long you have planned to stay there.
josh didn't get his passport for berlin so both he and i have been looking into this extensively

passport is a must for travel in/out of the uk
Check bottom link in journal
well for uk citizens we don't have id cards so only passports allow us to fly out/in

other EU people can fly in/out of the uk with id cards alone i believe, but this varies depending on the country

this is my understanding at least, after speaking to a few people from easyjet over the phone and reading websites
at the time i moved here my id card was enough for the simple reason i was under 18, my mum on the other hand was told to get a passport, dont know if it has changed now tho coz ive got a passport now.
hf christina
For Belgians an ID-card will suffice, according to the Foreign Affairs-website.
no more travels allowed from United Kingdom to Europe!

Europe we are afraid to get looted !
you need to have visa/passport for the country you are planning to visit
100 % certain a passport is required on entry/exit of the UK. between me and my family we have been to basically every country in europe bar about 5 in the last 10 years.

as a UK citizen traveling to and from the UK you need a passport. im so sure im practically dioderant.
Perhaps I should've been clearer, but I was questioning travel to and from the UK as an EU National.
as an EU citizen entering the UK you require a valid passport or identity card. either is fine and im also 100 % certain of that.

edit: why would you want to know this from an EU citizen perspective anyway. you got people visiting you without a passport ?
Yeah, some friends want to come over for a party
I won't say the obvious joke. Tempted.
Parent time just take it with you and if you shouldnt need it:

who cares??? its not like its 10 kg heavy or smth :D
For UK residents, we need a passport to leave and re-enter the country.

Non-UK residents (ie. holiday makers, business travellers, etc) who hold a European identity card can travel to the UK and back with their ID.

I'm 99% certain about this as I used to travel a lot in 2009 / 2010 and when in airport queues, they asked you to have your passport OR European identity card ready.
Only time i haven't needed a passport when flying is to Guernsey and other UK places so i think if coming from outside the UK you will need a passport
Oh dear,

You can use a drivers license on certain domestic flights within the UK, but most companies do not allow this anymore. Ryanair do not allow drivers licenses anymore as far as im aware.

Seanza is 100% right ;)
I haven't flown domestically since 2009 so wouldnt know ha
Under Art.5(1) of the Directive 2004/58/EC on the rights of citizens of the Union and their families to move and reside freely within the territory of the MSs you have a right to enter any MS as long as you hold a valid national ID card or passport and no visa or equivalent requirements can be imposed on you due to the fact that you are a Citizen of the Union under Art.2(1) of the above Directive.

In 1985 many EU countries signed up to an agreement in a little town called Schengen. This agreement allowed EU Citizens the right to travel between EU countries without the need for a formal passport or border controls.

The UK only partially signed this agreement, as such to enter the UK from an EU member state you must have EITHER a valid passport OR a valid National ID card. (UK is the only one which doesnt iirc) As an EU memberstate you do not require a visa to visit other EU countries.

So in context, tell your friends to bring their NATIONAL ID card, in Germany it´s a perso and you can easily travel in the uk with that.
This is the European Union m8
You need a passport for leaving and entering the UK regardless of being an EU citizen.

Flying, ferry, eurostar will all be the same :)
If your talking about British people then yea, we only have a passport and no ID card =)

If i have a German personalausweis (ID card) I can travel to the uk by plane, boat or eurostar.
It's all about the Schengen agreement.

I've never been allowed to travel to the UK from Malta using my national ID card, airport only accepted passport.
ECB8.11 Identity cards of EEA and Swiss nationals

EEA and Swiss nationals may use identity cards as travel documents for travel to the United Kingdom.

Thats from the UK Government website perhaps its the policy of the airline you fly with?
i know that in theory, i could use my ID. but whenever ive flown ryanair/easyet/air malta to the uk, ive always had to use my passport.
My g5 sense is tingling. Lady friend? Boom baggiez, boom!
why bother? with passport everything is ok
I need different Visa to UK and different Visa to Eu countries.
National ID works within the Schengen area, no need for a passport, even when flying.
National ID things work from the EU
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