wallhack or not?

Please note that this guy knew i was specing him, that why he aims at people through walls, put his crosshair away, and then put it back on it.

No and who cares?
well, if you dont care so please stay in turkey and leave this thread alone?
Actually made me laugh :D
you should stay in Starcraft 2
he has slac so he's clean
:/ He sucks
wh for sure
dont think aimbot but he has wallhack for sure according to me

please give real opinion, dont troll
Well I watched over 1 minute and I think you would call anyone a wallhacker, you were slowing down moments when he had his crosshair on somebodys head -> well yea sometimes your aiming at somebody even if you dont know it really, it's not like we are moving around the map with crosshair turned down to the ground (especially if it's a close distance map).
why are you even asking, too obvious
no, and actually he's pretty bad
No wallhack or aimbot at all, hes pretty stupid tbh =/
7 mins of that shit?

noquater ownage
why is it shit?
yes, because there are ppl who think they are new talents and if they get rolled they accuse of cheats
wtf is this shit..? play etpro => less probs with hackers..
and accodring to you he does cheat or not?
please give some opinions
Hi guys!

I am bliZZard', this guy on demo. This dude, Agaccen aka Ryo Saeba, started to accuse me of cheating when I was easily killing him. At first he said that I am aimbotter but since he knew it is total bullshit he changed his mind and came with this demo showing my WH, which I obviously don't have, as you can see :)

PS: Please don't laugh at me just because I play NQ :) I used to play etpro servers for
years, just don't have time for it right now and I find NQ more relaxing :)

respect 4 you!

whiners are the worst
no cheat at all - no wallhack, no aimbot

just headphones
you're trolling?

please admit it because he really believe that he can fool people; server admins are too fucking low
That's his standard answer to anyone who doesn't agree with him.
cant you see they're all saying your wallhack is obvious?

some of them are just ironical because you're fucking obvious, typical nooby cheater trying to fool people with shity arguing "no wallhack but headphones".

they are not GOC player, this is an etpro website
dude you are blind. 2 ppl were trolling by saying that he has cheat, but the majority was saying that he doesnt cheat and he is bad.
no I am not trolling.

In fact I can tell you, his aim is not something special.
what is your deal, kiddo?
Well you see, he will never give up, right now he told me that he will post my demo on punkbuster forum because, as he said, "people here don't know what they are talking about" :)
yes ofc, etpro players dont know what a cheat is :D
my god, what an ignorant dude

after pb, he will send it to the FBI fosho
""people here don't know what they are talking about"

you never stop lying ?

i wrote the oposite
No point to discuss with you, grow up.
Stupid kid, die of aids!
Why did u make a forum post when it seems like u've already made up your mind about him cheating
I cant see a wallhack and he is pretty bad :X get skill and play etpro instead of this shit
l0l adrenoob
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