Queens vs Sweet Smell of Success.


QuoteYou have € 100 on be sSs
You won € 4754

Discuss! Queens gone low? Belgians gone mad?

Ps. razz selfkill on ice was awesome ._.

Jetro after razz selfkilling:

Ps. lol @ admin deleting previous journal..
"Reason: We do not allow spam on Crossfire.nu"

Seriously? Queens losing a 3on3 ladder game aint worth of fucking journal? Maybe get a clue bout et-scene
Match summary[/b]]image: FuckYeah
You are happy, because you won your first offi in ET ? :)
Tu ne sais pas à qui tu parles? xd
Not our first no. Thanks for asking tho you kind chap. We sometimes get lucky and manage to destroy total (click) lowtards (click).
Congratulations you won vs mix ! :) let's play vs phacks in few times ;)
there is no such a thing as "3v3 mix"
or getting destroy by some 4th division teams : http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=10992953
at least United Kingdom have a proper sense of humour
Too many ET-tabs tbh <,<
What else shall I do at 3.30am? (o:
Closed it before I took the screenshot
Lil' Crime Stoppers? good episode bro
lol beltards finally beat queens after losing 40 times in a row
nerds playing 24/7----
True that, basicly last two weeks my life has gone bad, been nerding really lots.

All started when razz asked me to play one game or so, since that been playing 3on3&5on5 offis with Queens and been doing nothing but a play hard.

After yesterday i woke up 2230 i gave a thought that maybe i shouldnt be doing this? Usually my weekends are nice party hard fuck hot bitches and shit but last two weekends i've been home sitting on pc and playing ET, sad? Yes. I was out last monday(wtf is that day) and since that my sleeping pattern has been fucked up big time, basicly i go to sleep at morning/day and wake up after 20:00 and take a shower, eat and get on teamspeak to be ready to play, i chat and play until morning and then i do it all again.

Today however, i thought that fuck this shit and im about to stay up and go do something else later on than play ET ( fuck hot bitches and party hard most likely ) but there could be a chance that ill just go out and chill and come home to sleep and fuck hot bitches tomorrow, my plan is not to play this weekend like last two since i realised that it is waste of time and i need to get my life going on again due back to school and shit like that.

The sad part of all this is that i havent been out almost for two weeks, or do anything usefull like seeing mates and fuck hot bitches and shit like that, casual things in life. Then again im not sure if i want to do that alot or just chill and play ET. My plan however is to do those both and continue playing ET but just need to get back on track that is weekends = partytime / weekdays = prac hard&school, does it sound good? I thinks it does and hopefully i get it done.

This text might been messy and shit but its all crystal clear for me, a change is needed, and it's gonna happen today, i just took a shower, made some coffee and chilling on pc while listenin good music and browsing internet and waiting the clock to go on so i can leave in hour or two to take care of some things.

My plan for today? As i said i need to go take care of some things, once im done with it im going to my mate and prolly drink a bear or two, then im going out to town visit another friend and do the same thing. My plan is to get wasted as fuck today and find a lady i can fuck the shit out, usually best drunk i've ever had is when i havent slept at all, somehow i can just keep on going once i get the alcohol running in my vains, im not tired anymore when it comes to night and so on, i just keep going on.

Thats about it i guess? I dont even know what i did just write, but i felt like i need to write something about something, made me feel happy or so, weird shit, i know. But who the fuck cares after all?
I just read it all. Nice that you're finally starting to get hold on things again mind. I'm proud of you :') Let's just hope that you stay up all day. Regards, you're friend mana.
Väliaika update.

Yes, still up and drinking bears on parveke, chilling with music and facebook, lol. <waiting hot bitches to arrive and then im off to road to do something cool, no worries about falling sleep anymore, feeling great alredy, bear power :)
I know that feel bro <3 Have fun tonight!
Hoppas att du ska inte kom skriva här i morgon Marko.

gratz mate. Your trying to achieve something like drinking bears and fucking hot bitches. This isnt settled for any of us. As you will know, players like eujes and razz will keep on owning offies. While you are drinking bears and fucking rly hot finnish models doggystyle.
I admire you and your willpower to change. Now, if it is possible, blog me next time how your weekend was. I'm rly curious how your god-tier plan worked out.


addiction...and ET...;)

Hf this weekend...
cu @ TS tonite
zeto accept score:) !
eujen cannot into ice?
Are these pliers sharp? queenseujen 12 deaths without fragging
lol'd at jetro : D

That's what you get for believing you could carry eujen..
you know how to play beach and ice, gratz :DDD
maps beach and ice? cant really be called a win actually
What would've been called a win then?
supply gold adler?

fucking pathetic cunt
supply and gold for example, yes

sss would never win them :>
Fucking pathetic cunt
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