Sex whit a breezer!

Honderden jongeren in de provincie Utrecht hebben wel eens seks gehad in ruil voor een drankje, geld of een cadeautje. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de GGD Midden-Nederland en de GGD Eemland onder middelbare scholieren. Zij ondervroegen 11.000 jongeren tussen de 12 en de 18 jaar over hun seksleven.

Headliner Mark neemt het onderzoek hoog op en wist niet hoe snel hij naar de supermarkt moest rennen.

Van de ondervraagden hadden 242 leerlingen wel eens seks in ruil voor een drankje. De geruchten daarover gingen al enige tijd rond, maar de GGD schrikt er toch van: "We hadden niet verwacht dat het aantal zo hoog was. Het geeft aan dat de normen en waarden van jongeren rondom seksueel gedrag inderdaad veranderen. We vinden dat we daar zeker meer aandacht aan moeten besteden, bijvoorbeeld door voorlichting op scholen," zegt een woordvoerder.
Hundreds of young people in the province of Utrecht have ever had sex in exchange for a drink, money or a gift. According to research from the Netherlands and the Middle GGD GGD Eemland among middle school students. They interviewed 11,000 young people between 12 and 18 years with their sex lives.

Mark headliner takes research seriously and did not know how quickly he had to run to the supermarket.

Of the 242 students surveyed had ever sex in exchange for a drink. The rumors that went over some time around, but the municipal health scares it anyway: "We did not expect that the number was so high. It indicates that the values ​​of young people about sexual behavior is indeed changing. We feel that we certainly should pay more attention to, for example by providing information on schools, "said a spokesman.

In Finland, you get laid if you manage to insert enough vodka to a girl.
yeah then shes drunk xD
that counts in every country ^^
pocalujesz jedna to pocalujesz wszystkich
What means that?:(
that is a song which says : if you go to the bar and kiss there one girl its like u kiss the whole people in the bar at once

you kiss one its like you kiss all
nice one then :D
I am 20 and what is this?
I am 12 and what is this?*

If u troll troll good.
Well that sucks for you if you're 12, I'm 20 and what is this?
This is a journal on crossfire*
They should be very proud of themselves.
nice english.
i blame u for the headline of this journal.
die to ur disease cancer kid
It isn't a disease what you can die of SLUT
Well see when ur 40 lol
shocked! :o NOT
my type of girl :)
12 to 18 year olds, like they are going to tell the truth hah
i once had sex with a hamster :P if anyone asks, ill just lie about it and say it was a breezerslut :P
Hamster? you're sick dude
I made it squeal
hahaha xD A HAMSTER
? hamsters squeal moron
i approve of this journal
Smile if you want you can try your luck, you wont get a drink cos im tight as fuck, theres only 1 way you might get a taste, girl put on ya dirty face.
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