myself posing

hello beloved

anyways yesterday I was posing. I'm starring in some shitty local calendar for 2012. Me and my friends got paid 30 euros each for 3 hours of work. easiest money ever made ^^

this calendar is basically shit, gonna be printed in cca 200 copies on a shit format and paper. the background is mostly nature, some shitty cars, monuments etc. on the bright side more bitches will know who I am ^^

so I decided to share a little sneak peak with my dearest community. I photographed the printed picture with my phone, so that's why it's so blurry.

image: 1jw506

image: sexy-facebook-girls-part7-2
ur freshest clothes?
I'm not dressing into my fanciest clothes for 10 euros / h :D
u can get some free shine,
10€ / hour

easiest money ever made.

image: xzibit
Quoteyesterday I was posing

he meant easier for that

related pic for u
image: funny-dog-pictures-not-sure-if-trolling-or-just-stupid
hey farmer boy :)
hai. looking good there :)
im 16 and i even make more money than you :DDDDD
yeah cause u're an escort lady
shirt sucks
lol on that photo
seems a bit out of focus?
nice biceps mate u work out??
he needs more Germany Speck
yeah, carrying dead jews all day long
yea, crossfire community 24/7 online but still would pose in a calendar with a Lamborghini and an Armani suit.

you achieved more than 98% of this community :~>
That guy on the picture doesn't look like 20.
u'd give like 15 right, cause u're a mad troll
No, more like 25+ to be honest. Maybe it's just the blurry image but you look a lot older than 20 on that picture.
omg wasn't expecting that. thank u darthmob
finally a picture of you! now I know which peach farm is to rob! :D
If I ever see a suspicious non croatian speaking person walking around my village u will be my first guess ^^
haha, now how epic would that be! I'd burst out laughing :D
real boss
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