Saturday plansz

Hello Crossies!

Finally I have free weekend from work and you will never guess what I gonna do. Yes you are right I'm going to play Enemy Territory and Starcraft 2 all day long. Need to remember to eat sometimes. Fintards if need merc or want to play with me pm @ irc.

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Whats up with your plans?

PS: Need songs :)
The Proclaimers - 500 Miles
gonna sell motherfucking peaches AGAIN and then tonight party to death. gonna spend my peach money like a dirty drugged nigger
Ahahah! You get paid by hour or by how much you sell?
actually, it's how much I steal from the cash register :D
I seriously tried to think something else to do than drink today. Wasnt a great success since every buddy is drinking too :/
So you admit that you have no sense of self at all, and you merely follow blindly others like the sheep you are?
I admit that I cba to sit home alone at PC or sit sober with friends when they are getting drunk.
Yeh, only options in life are drinking and hanging at the comp, gl with ur life then ^_^
reikeri o elossa!!!
Lol, joo säki oot elos vaik oli iha kreisi päivä äijäl!!
don't insult my bud u pale fuck
Yea it is kinda hard if everybody else is going to drink, but for me now a days is not even an option. Drinking does not go for me anymore. I rather drink few beers with food and enjoy then drink 6-pack and be drunk, then the hangover etc :D
trying to quit??
Work till 1:30
you poor bastard.
work till 21
Dunno, gaming night I guess. Went out last night. Got a HUGE hangover now, but im defeating it. merc avi /q
sounds like a huge hangover indeed. im also always wanting to merc for some random ppl when having HUGE hangover. Almost a first thing to come up on my mind honestly. Happy gaming to you.
Give him a break, western-europe cannot into drinking.
damn that chick..... awesome
Groceries and spending the eve at my girl's place :)
its my birthday so party hard tonight
happy bday m8
My bday on Monday, but won't have time to enjoy it on Monday so getting mashed tonight. Few mans, family and girlfriend town sides, get smashed, try find way home, or sleep in bush.
Was thinking about staying at home relaxing a bit / watch some movie. Can't afford to waste more money, went out to celebrate my birthday twice yesterday.
shisha->pub----->home party-->sleep--->back home
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