Starting Lagg


maybe someone knows about this. Everytime I connect to a server I got a lagg of 30 secs - 1 minute after I am on the server.

Do someone know how to solve this?

new punkbuster update?
i think it s related to the latest pb updates, i have a 2 second freeze everytime i join a server, no real big deal tbh.
It will be fixed soon i guess.
What's your cg_autoaction set at? Might try 0 if it's not already.
have same thing but i lag longer. about 5 mins.
i think my memory cause the lag
512 RAM should be normal
cg_autoaction 7, I'll try 0
you are Israelcrozz
I reinstalled ET, I set cg_autoaction to 0, but I yet get the starting lagg of 30-60 secs.
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