QuakeLive Duel.

Hey, so I'm starting QuakeLive now. I've played a couple of times in the past. I'm looking for a duel partner or some people to play with to get into the game and get to know the maps. I haven't really played fps in a while so I'll need to practice to get back into it.

add me: AndrewWiggin
pm me at Irc Skeit
Add me: tox
Add me: Harry Mulisch
add me:Geertje
Add: dudee.
When the last time we did it and asked if you are tight, and I said yes?
retard Banga quote XD
add me: PeterdeVriesrulezzzz.
0 Member(s) found containing "PeterdeVriesrulezzzz".
QL.ET, play me :) (im bad)
add me: youngjedi
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