Spicing up the Rioters.

Hello Rioters, look at your friend, now back 2 me, now at your friend, now back 2 me. Sadly, he isn’t me, But if he stopped using petrol bombs and started using the Job Centre he could potentially be me. Look down, back up. Where are we? You're at an interview with the man your friend could work for. What’s in your hand? Back 2 me. I have it. Its an application form to that job you need. Look again. The form is now money. Anything is possible when you get a job and stop looting. I'm on a horse!
Are you really a horse?

image: 251890949
xDDDDDDDDDD you dont know how i rofled
long time.
I'm on a soap box.
I'm sorry, even the fact that you are an ET-legend doesn't make up for this awful journal.
It fucking does! He could have written nothing and it would still have been an awesome journal!
Enjoyed the reference :D
Didn't get it. What Old Spice has to do with riots?
get back to winning at poker, nerd
Quote I'm on a horse!

How about jobs that actually do any good for the future, unlike all the jobs we currently have
Something along the lines of mr. Breivik perhaps?
Quite the opposite, rather than killing individuals one should strive to unite them for common goals, rather than trying to find differences, try to find something shared.
epic old spice commercial is epic
If people had jobs to go to they wouldn't be rioting, oh no wait, there aren't any.
OH fuck off pleaaaase, there are no jobs. pffffft my ass there are no jobs. There are jobs, just not jobs they want to do. Those gangsters have been looking at bling bling video's too many times and probably feel too good to take a paper-round or load up garbage or work in the kitchen of McD's.
Was joking, I just copied this off a mates status on fb :_D I have a job! If you look they are actually pretty easy to find, these guys that are rioting are just lazy as fuck and cba to find one :S
That's the entire problem. If I go to an interview without being able to speak properly and dressing like a retard, I won't get hired as well. And if I had no job and was that age, I'd pretty much take any kind of job. They feel too good to do shit jobs like working at a conveyer belt or McDonalds/KFC, but they don't realize is that they have to start somewhere, just like everyone else.

I've done all kinds of jobs when I was younger. Plucking apples, strawberry's, cherry's etc, carpetting office-floors, cleaning meat-processing factories, cleaning offices, conveyer belts, simple administrative work, paper-rounds (multiple), dish-washing in the kitchen of a hotel, bartender at various places etc. All of it.. Hell, I've even worked on a garbage truck for a couple of weeks just to make some bucks. These retards are just lazy motherfuckers that think that the world should just offer shit to them.
Exactly. If these guys wanted all these material possessions so bad I don't see why it's so hard to go out for a few hours a day and earn the money for it. I mean, what else are they going to be doing? Stood on street corners loitering doing fuck all? I just don't get it.
Went to a friends house on Friday night who I dont see very often. Sat there with three rioters. Awkward.
Would've left the house and called the police.
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