Stoke - Chelsea


Although I dislike Chelsea I feel sorry for them. The ref totally robbed their victory. I seriously hope that this kind of refereeing won't happen again.
What happened?
You basically could break Torres n' co legs without faults.
they just showed every replay, none of the 3 was a penalty
lol the foul on lampard was a penalty, the rest was doubtful.
Wasn't, check slow replay, he dove 2 sec too early
did see replays, still think it was a penalty. even the commentators said it was a penalty afaik

but my opinion is subjective so doesnt matter
Lampard started to fall long before there was any contact. Refs should be giving red cards for diving, it's fucking disgraceful how many players do that nowadays. I can't even watch Spanish league anymore because of that and it's growing more popular in England too :(
i agree players should dive less, cause torres had the chance to score but he decided to dive to get a penalty... which is really annoying & stupid, but giving red cards is a bit to harsh :)
making a goal without getting a penalty in a game is hard now-a-days?
The tackle when Lampard went down was the only decent penalty claim in my opinion. Torres is just like the average spanish diver who needs to go down if they can't get their own way.
All of 2/3 situations werent 100% fouls (penatly worthy). Match was really good :)
Mitähä peliä sä oot katellu?!
Torres gna rape this season ~~
Good, bunch of pricks.
Was a really enjoyable game first half, 2nd half was same old chelsea nothing different to find a win
chelsea needs some belgian firepower up front!!
no lukaku no win
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