Hannes' movie

Couldn't find this one with seach + tried to find it also from his website but no..

Anyway, the movie was about same of his clan, old movie, one of the songs was In Flames - Cloud Connected and then long credits where was shitload of info about each player, juice and so on :P

ty, I give something to the helper! and name is nice but link to it even better ;)
checked the phaloid's database? --------->
e: well can't if you don't know the name tho
Only know he made Zaigon and it was pretty bad.
no you didnt!
looks like we have kinda different taste in this one, because Zaigon belongs in my "golden collection". It has by far the best atmosphere of all movies I have seen (and I saw hundreds of movies), in my eyes its the best example of what an ET is all about.
Wouldn't go that far. It's better than phaloid, Nonix, fredd style don't get me wrong but it's still it's missing something

Maybe an intro ":D"
And it's better than your style
sup with haters gon hate in your profile? nobody knows u so how can they hate on u
Ouch that hurt.
That's for retards like you and obviously that worked.
Go hunt some e-fame
Wasn't even flaming. Truth hurt yes??
Never said you were.
Talking about truth hurting, you were the one who brought "who is known better for nerding" topic after I criticised your filmmaking skills
brb gonna care cos random .ee guy flamed my moviemaking skills

What's that, can't handle criticism?
Not that I'm surprised.
lol @ crossfire noobs thinking I care, when really they're just extremely happy that I replied to them
That is exactly what I meant. Who are you trying to convince with this ad hominem? Yourself, I guess, because it doesn't seem very convincing to other people. Unless, of course, you are trying to convince them into disagreeing with you.

You know, you look like such a nice and relaxed person in photographs. I guess looks indeed can be deceiving.
You really think that great about yourself?
Wow, you got some real issues, because I really don't give a fuck who you are and the best part is, that you are nobody. Just some overrated paki playing a dying game.
Btw, hype is a better nickname for you, suits your personality.
Didn't know I was rated so highly. Why thank you kind sir.
By the way you talk here you must think you are one of the top players in ET
perhabs i got it^^
are you looking for it from your computer? or just wondering? :D
i got a lot of movies on my external hdd.. but dont have that one :(

EDIT: HERE IT IS... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GJ16TNS5
thanks, this is a keeper :D
Hannes? In Flames - Cloud Connected? Long credits where was shitload of info about each player?

Sounds more like Dignitas-eXposed but I'm not sure is it movie what are you searching (Anyway, hannes didn't create that).
im 95% that hannes was also playing in that clan.. and the movie must have been made by him or his "team"
Oh, so I missed something ("Me so newschool"). :P
dont you mean this one, its fulfill all you requirements but one, its not made by hannes :)

EDIT: looks like I dont any working link for this one, I will upload it to own3d over night.
hmm i guess no.. what i forgot to say is that hannes was playing in that clan also, he had some frags there included.. some german clan, hannes, juice and some other players i cant remember names..

and then there was this "fun" part with old music chorus was like "maaaagic mouuuments" :D

its weird tho that he has has all his movies at his website but not this one even mentioned.. mby it was made by someone else and he just was in the clan but I rly doubt about it
may ask hannes- first?
Heroine - The Movie
* by Hannes
********************************* Starring *****************************
* Hannes (#clanless.gaming, #sfto)
* zadd (#clanless.gaming)
* spLaX (#clanless.gaming)
* v!ct!m (#clanless.gaming)
* pusher (#clanless.gaming)
* Teq (#clanless.gaming)
* Wolverine (#clanless.gaming)
* juice (#sfto)
* Scatman (#inTw)
* t0m (#sfto, team AUT)
* n3co (#sfto, team AUT)
* Noorgrin (#sfto, aD, 141)
******************************* Contact Info ***************************
* #clanless.gaming
* #sfto
* www.clanless-gaming.de
* www.myhannes.info (project files will be available here soon)
* www.sfto.de
******************************* movie info *****************************
* length » 16:00 min codec » h264
* size » 436 Mb resolution » 800x512
I remember that one, it was really nice.
* Noorgrin (#sfto, aD, 141)

what a noob ! ... can't be any good movie ! :D
some parts in the movie, i looked away..... you may guess why!
because of "no Bratwurst"? :D
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