new counter strike?

because et is shit, counter strike is actaully still popular isnt it? Although I could be wrong. Id prefer rtcw remade than this aslong as its not like wolfenstein :D Although sp was awsome.

I would actually love tevelepors to make rtcw free Id lov to play that again propely. if it got more active :(
its 10euros....
I got it tbh anyway, but im trying to point out I would still rather have rtcw 2 than ET. if rtcw came free like ET it would come back alive :(
ET ain't shit but CS is popular even though it's shit. I know this is actually a matter of opinion but I rather think I am correct. :)
cs has AK-s, enough said
Check the facts.. in WW2 there wasnt AK-47.. Mihail Kalašnikov started to invent new guns for soviet army in WW2.. And it was created in 1947.. 2 years after war ended!
????? where did i claim ww2 themed games have AK-s?

i was just saying CS is so popular bc it has AK-s :Ppp plenty of people play simply because of the 'badass' modern guns
if ur talking about "badass guns" thompson a.k.a "Tommygun" was most used weapon by the mobs between 1920-40 and it was used by drumm ammomagazines!
not for the youngfolk these days
tbh mate I got css and cs and I think there both shit to. I say et is shit but I play it...

I mean shit graphics getting boring after like 8 years. I just prefer cod these days not though gameplay more on the graphics fact.
gonna fail
hey kev bud x
Did you just skip the newspost about this?
he might just has the CS news filtered ;D Like me!
and you're right. i do :>
I would say 'old' in this journal as punishment, but I think, I hope, Kevlar knows that he is indeed very old.
i think the correct and "pc" term is "old as fuck".
sorry mate. i tend not to read your news, its usually about some crappy london football team :P
As opposed to the drivvle about how date rape drugs should be legalised in Scotland that you normally write about?
i never said legalised stu. i said they should be more readily avialable. "does this hanky smell like chloroform" is still one of my all time best pickup lines...
cs ? no!
there will be ESL TV CS:GO show tonight at 19 cet.
will be more eye candy effected game than competitive playable game.

cs 1.6 > *
saw that vid like 2-3 years ago and they said its only going to be available for asia or something.
this video is fake

its the same video from the "Counter Strike Online" which is a remake of 1.6 for Asia only
QuoteThe game is based on the classic Counter Strike: Source

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