exam tomorrooo

guys its 1 oclock in germany and im writing 2 final exams tomorrow about international management and marketing.

well marketing isnt the problem...i know nearly everything but int management sucks hard. i started learning about 5 hours ago and but i cant learn anymore :((((
[gay walmart, doc morris, opel GM, Mannesmann Vodafone, Orange telecom... :/]

shall i go sleep now or learn some more ?

(writing first exam @ 9 clock -> in 8 hours)

image: 1313425464142
image: ldgkxnl6

1:05 ~
studying during the night is easier
studied about 500 pages in the last 5 days... doesnt work anymore
lol yeah i only study during the evening/night
dont understand the Mannesmann/Vodafone/orange stuff

someone an idea what actually happened ? :x
They died in holocaust way back
mannesmann was D2 -> Vodafone
orange = huge mbile provider . maybe competitor of Vodafone, or the same? dunno
so does lady but she smart & rdy to sleep :p
go to bed, you will fail the second one anyway ;D
Get few hours sleep, quick study > breakfast > music > pass exam :)))

Here is some image: jayme_labelle_001
gl deniz. kick ass tomorrow 9. and remember BELIEVE :)
you should read it once or twice, so you know the basicstory.
this will allow you to answer the easier questions :).
best of luck mate!
Good luck mate!
good night guys <3

here a little present

image: random-monday-16
dat.............. azz................

not sure if shooped.
if not, then *_____________*
first exam written and it was goood !! :D just learned a few things and 90% of what ive learned was in the exam ;P

<random awwwww yeaaaaaah pic>
prefer random chick over aww yeah pic!
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