Rihanna concert @ Helsinki

Hello Crossies!

Today I got back from Helsinki. Went there with my girlfriend yesterday to see a Rihanna concert. I must say that money well spend. The concert was a success and after that the party at nightclub Circus where Rihanna was 2m away from me talking with her friends and dancing was even more epictastic! After the night at hotel we spend all day shopping in Helsinki.

PS: So I got to my computer and started playing Wolfenstein SP. Never played it before, because of the big disappointment of MP.

Well few birds recommended me to try the SP. One question came to my mind. Is it possible to modify SP somehow to MP? Because you can clearly see the difference in

game play of SP and MP. Those who have not try Wolfenstein SP go ahead and you notice that it is pretty good SP.

PSPS: queens vs dignitas --->
SP was actually quite nice from time to time, didn't bother to finish it though (shat my pants with that magic-scissors-guy).

Sidenote, Rihanna :p
Had first day of school today, and that Rihanna concert kept me awake quite late lulz. (I mean the noise pollution)
ye my 4 m8s also wented there
pretty nise eh :)
SP was based on the idtech4 engine, but the MP was based on the ETQW idtech4 engine - aka the fail engine as seen in ETQW and Brink.
I heard she's a talentless whore and cant sing live
Well she sing few songs with music playing on the back, but that was because the songs were to difficult to sing just like that. Most of the songs she singed her self and she did it pretty fucking good I must say :)
she's 21 orso, cut her some slack
So what if she's 21? It has nothing to do with talent
well u just seem frustrated or something dunno
1. she isnt talentless if her songs are so popular all over the world
2. it's normal at that age that her voice sometimes isnt optimal because she's still developping & growing or sth so dont be so harsh :>
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