Please help! :'( Really!


My Computer specs:
AMD 64 3000+
XFX 6600GT 128
160GB SATA Seagate.

Usually when I play Enemy Territory I have 80-200fps on any map.
But there are times when Punkbuster makes "update" and after an update, my ET dosent work.

I join server I have 100fps then I join team and at that point ET freezes, comes sound loops and then it works again. It freezes for 5-10sec max.
After it unfreezes I look at my fps and its only 1-10 :) so im having "DIASHOW" in ET. Well then I usually trye to play practice or official with panzerfaust and I get like 1 kill and maybe 200damage give. So after I have screemed like "!/¤()&!/¤&!¤%!&!)%&=!¤!/¤%()/?!&¤" I quit from server.
But my probelms dosent end there. I go to my desktop and everything is loading so slowly. Well I look at my prosessor and its 100% all the time in use. So if I trye to watch a movie or open irc it takes 5min to load.
So there is nothing else to be done then just go restart computer. After it restarts it works fine as long as I dont join any ET punkbuster servers.

On some servers my ET works, but thats because there is old punkbuster.
For some reason ET works on ETTV is it because there is no PB?

This is second time it happens to me in ET.

I have tryed:
Reinstalling ET/PB/Windows XP Professional.
Getting punkbuster folder from a clan m8s and replacing my pb folder.
Getting some pb.dll files from evenbalance.
Sending email to evenbalance (They give me some programs that I had to run and then I send them back the results but they never answer).
Updateing PB.
Takeing 1 512 ram off computer then I took 2 512 ram off computer so I had only 512.
I switch ram places.

First time when this happened I waited like 2 weeks and they release some new update and then it worked fine, but now they update it again.

So if somebody can tell me what to do it would be fantastic!
If you cant then please spam evenbalance that they would do something about this shit.
Must be shitty, dont know what to do but wish you best luck!
it has nothing to do with your computer... PB is fucking things up
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