Morning journal

Morning! What are your plans for today?

Weather is quite nice over here, too bad it's my first day of work again after 2,5 weeks of holiday :( Luckily it's not that busy.

Have a nice day :)

image: doutzen_candice_37
3 days off from work, so tho about chillin n stuff, will see. :)

have a nice day.
Where is the chick? Now i'm angry, my day is fucked up :(
there u go
Thanks you very much, i feel better now :)
So today i'm gonna.. study for my literature exam coming in a few days and also practice my english phonetics.. That's what i call a bad day.
Just woke up, atm just sitting here and watching out of window, seems like it might rain later. Cellphone is charging next to me. So quiet. No wind, one bird singing somewhere. Green. Yellow. Brown. Just different colours out there. No stress, just enjoying this moment.

Might take walk later if it doesn't start to rain. Later at evening propably some LoL and ET. Nothing special for today.
in the office, feeling damn sleepy :|
DOTA2, SC2, LoL and might play some games
No plans, trying to manage the day at work because of the fever. Gotta take sick-day tomorrow if it doesnt go down.

EDIT: You were forgot the picture

image: normal_840001606
Job interview at the airport besids that im eating coco pups and i love it.
work 12-7 :(
She has hang boobs
Nee jongen -_-
Jahwel man!
mowing the lawn and doing nothing! uni starting in 1.5 weeks :)
Played too much tennis since 2 weeks, today i'm going to cill at home, swimming pool, ping pong, sun bathing, nerding, and bbq with friends around midnight or something
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