pc freezes while connecting with tzac

I deleted slac and installed tzac succesfully yesterday and it worked fine. Today I ran tzac and tried to connect to a server but my pc froze while loading the map (nothing is working, mouse + keyboard, and I have to boot pc from the power button). I tried reinstalling tzac and did system restore also but it doesn't seem to fix the problem. The funny thing is that I just tried to connect without tzac and I had no problems at all.

So I'm asking if anyone of you encountered the same problem and did you solve it? I would be very grateful if someone could help me in despair :-/

ps. Didn't notice any hardware bugs either

girl to helpers

e. can connect non-slac server without tzac and no freeze no matter what
with non-slac server can connect with tzac SOMETIMES but freezes while minimizing
while connecting slac server with tzac pc freezes while loading the map