tzac no pub success?

LOLloloLol, why NbsEtpro is filled with 24 players, while bio, cf slac pub and hns have 0 players on it??

N33d good explatnation

image: Patricia%20Conde
cause it 03:00 am in europe
Cause everyone enjoy more the hacks.

Is the ego of the real nerds
what miNd said
1. Noobs don't know tzac
2. public cheaters don't play at tzac
3. High pingers know that they get owned against better players
Why 'tzac'
An anticheat for multiplayer games developed by Tomislav Zubcic
Tomislav Zubcic
Tomislav Zubcic
Tomislav Zubcic
Why 'tzac'
because nbsetpro is superior to any of those
Ask ibunforgiven for the miNd story LOL
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