Question to active old farts

I am still missing ET a lot and I've noticed that I could easily start playing again, I have a lot of free time after work and at the moment I'm using it all to senseless browsing and chichat here and there.

I guess there are a lot of old farts still playing ET and I need to know; how do you keep a balance between the game and your real life (wife/girlfriend, job, other tasks) ? Is it working? How do you handle the nag coming out of kitchen or from the couch?

Any other game can't bring me the satisfaction I got with ET and it feels like there's a empty spot that needs to be filled.

In other news, Symbian Anna is up for grabs.
I'm studying, so basically I study till 17-18h & then start playing.
Sometimes some 3v3's during the day as a break :)
then I play till 22.00 & then I go out - next day I go to college & then same thing again :)

Put a starting hour or playdays are the best way te keep balance imo.
you still playing it? :o I stopped after last NC, cause I got enough of it :D


Yeah still in action :)
this is a good journal
You could rather play those few hours per evening for few days per week than watch TV.
I don't even watch TV. I just sit in front of my highend computer doing nothing but clicking favourites endlessly and chatting in _one_ forum. It's pretty boring.
Well sir, you already know what to do!

I get you started, &
Wait a minute, no punkbuster anymore? Explain.
New anticheat coded by chaplja, takes ingame-screens all the time, sponsored formerly by speedlink.

No lags anymore (well, some people whine it lags, but haven't heard that from any real person) and cheating has gone down (I guess, can't remember any obvious playing against us).

No linux-client though :/
Still no Linux-client? Poor meez.
Poor Finland Immortalstorm, 2/6 of us are with windows...
I read widows
just get addicted to ET and you wont worry about couch anymore!
do what thomm said, if you encounter any problems , i'll take the time to explain if you reply to this comment
oh and ET is 5o5 now if you have been away a long time :p
Better create some Comics already :D

Well I'm working mo-sa till 6pm after that im just chillin with friends or doin some workout..
So just playing on suns :/
Was it you who did some ET comics??

I cannot find them anymore, pls put them online again!!
I'm not talking about those ones. I'm talking about the ones with mAx and his x-ray eyes, killerboy disguised as sherlock Holmes, mama, and many others. They were quite funny.
That's me. Unfortunately every strip is completely lost as I deleted everything when I decided to quit. Sometimes I miss em' myself as well ;)
damn maaaaan!! I did a journal some months ago because i really wanted to see them again, but no one had saved them... What a pity!!
Still playing , far more fun than random browsing
Hey Ince, remember you from BBBSweden/b3t days :)
Nice to see you and nice to know you're still enjoying THE game.
Yea , same here moor , you and 8roxz were dominating :D . Hope you find a new passion for the game

ps. BBB and b3t times were the best :)
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